Passing Down the Legacy “The footprints you leave behind will influence others. There is no other person who at some time, somewhere, somehow does not lead another.”
What is an officer transition? “Pass-down” “Transfer of Board” “Position Change-Over”
Why is officer transition important? Avoid re-inventing the wheel Avoid “dead time” between boards Build confidence in new leaders Bring “closure” to former officers Continuity of the organization's progress, goals, and growth
What should I do once a new board is elected?
Prepare NOW! DOCUMENTS -Minutes & Meeting Agendas -Financial records, accounts, budgets - Calendar of past events - Job/Officer descriptions - Applications - Constitutions & Bylaws
Prepare NOW! CONTACT INFO & RESOURCES -UCI resources -CORE, SLL, ASUCI, etc - Student Center & Event Services - Vendors, Businesses, Banks -Others?
Prepare NOW! PASSWORDS & USER NAMES - (google accounts, etc) -Websites -Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr - Photo sharing (Flickr, Snapfish)
Prepare NOW! MORE... -Goals & Objectives from last year -Description of past events, programs, and committees
Save it in ONE place! -Put in a binder! -Put it on a flash! -Put it on a CD! -Put it on google docs or dropbox!... just keep it SOMEWHERE! (safe and accessible)
Merging Old & New +
-Social event or mixer -New board gets to know each other -Energized and excited for upcoming year -Start role with good relationships
Merging Old & New -Social event or mixer -Ice breakers -Address goals or problems old board faced and how new board can improve or attain them
Shadowing One of the best way for incoming officers to learn from outgoing officers is to have them “shadow” their predecesso rs.
Shadowing - Create opportunities for new board to help prepare the meetings - Require new board to help run meetings after they are elected
Activity -Identify 3 things your organization already does to transition officers -Identify 3 things your organization doesn’t do to transition officers
Don’t leave your board in the DARK!
Reminders Don’t forget the logistical details! -Re-registration happens every September, ALL groups have to re- register -ALL signers have to take COOL every year Explain the re-registration process to your new board!!!
Resources CORE (Campus Organizations Resources and Education) (949) 824 – 5314 CORE Internet Services Student Life & Leadership G308 UCI Student Center
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