73 rd ExCo ECES Lleida 2012 EUWP_ECES Carlos López- EUWP Chair 1
Contents New EUWP Strategy New Procedures New IA Reporting/ increasing cooperation EUWP_IAs Summarizing 2
The IEA Techno-network 3
EUWP New Strategy Vision Energy end-use technologies are the key to a decarbonized energy system that fulfills the world energy needs of all peoples in an effective way. A broad International cooperation of private and public sectors sharing best practices and technology developments are the basis in that endeavor. 4
New Strategy: Mission- Action lines Support the work of IAs Increase the added value of productive outcomes Filling the technology gaps Effectively communicate the results of the technology network Involvement of the private sector and non-member countries 5 Focusing on added value and delivering results:
New Strategy. Strategic Objectives (I) IMPLEMENTING AGREMENTS - Strengthen the functioning and impact of IAs -Continuous evaluation of performance and plans of IA -Disseminate the work done by IAs and promote the IA activities in each member country -Augment the presence of the IAs in all activities of the IEA 6 1. Strengthen the Energy Technology Network (ETN)
New Strategy. Strategic Objectives(II) CERT+DELEGATES -Provide input to CERT activities -Facilitate technology analysis and recommendations to CERT IAs -Support IAs in delivering technology policy recommendations -Facilitate IAs to communicate their recommendations to the EUWP 7 2. Provide Energy End Use Technology Advice
New Strategy. Strategic Objectives(III) MEMBER &NON MEMBER COUNTRIES INDUSTRY &TECH.NETWORK 8 3. Engage Relevant Organizations
New Strategy. Strategic Objectives(IV) IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENTS Review the overall structure, achievements, performance and plans of the WP and IAs To provide and promote from IAs upgraded, updated and transparent information. Assess the work done. The quality of work should be assured POLICY MAKERS Facilitate discussions on emerging energy technology areas in order to better inform policy makers, DELEGATES/IEA An efficient and engaged WP that provides added value 9 4.Focused and Efficient WP delivering results
New Procedures The relevant Vice Chairs enhance the information and the technological advice The IA ExCo Chairs shall regularly receive from the IEA Secretariat: CERT and EUWP: Meeting Agendas, Minutes, Strategy Plans, Reports Other relevant information and requests, as appropriate. The IAs are welcome to approach the EUWP (Cabinet, Chair, VCs, Delegates…) at any time with possible issues, concerns, problems and proposals 10
Increasing cooperation EUWP_IA New way of reporting WHY? To improve communication, to highlight the achievements of the IAs and to make it easier for the IAs to forward their messages. Enhanced cooperation is foreseen, e.g., strengthened communication IAs _EUWP and EUWP _ CERT. The IAs feel that they should be able to provide more inputs to IEA’s publications workshops and other actions. 11
New way of IA reporting The current biannual/annual reporting form will be relinquished The IAs to provide the EUWP with 2 page summary of each ExCO summarizing achievements, decisions, possible recommendations The IAs to provide tables of IA participation, ExCo, running Annexes/Tasks and Annex /Task participation and budget in an accessible format on the website of the IA The IAs to include in the Executive Summary of their ARs: the achievements, added value of the IA the technological sector/field status and challenges worldwide, and focused recommendations or key messages to the EUWP for technology advancement 12
Follow-up_ Inventory Example countries cooperating (2 NNMM CHI & THA +EC) 10 on going projects-33 Annexes completed 79 working teams (Sum of participants in on going annexes) Current budget ongoing annexes 2.3m€ CAN and FIN have joined the 10 live annexes All 15 countries participate in at least 1 annex 8 Annex leaders (USA & FIN 2 leads) AMF in figures ( as of Feb 2012)
Summarizing EUWP_ECES cooperation 1. IA&WPs members of a technological network. One of the biggest worldwide. 2. Increase interaction is in the WP_IA benefit: results, advice, proposals, recommendations, meetings. 3. Involved in national activities (IA days, cert & euwp delegates, national programs, dissemination…)