Iowa Teaching Standards, Criteria and Evidence Hello and welcome to the Iowa Teaching Standards Power Point. I would encourage you to watch this with another teacher and have discussions about the different ways a teacher might show acceptable evidence for each standard and benchmark. If you would like to download information from the Department of Education the URL link will be provided at the end of the video. In this power point there are comments and suggestions for other evidence as well as a Cross-reference that may help you connect one piece of evidence with multiple standards and criteria. Adapted from Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria and Model Evidence from the Department of Education Marcia Knupp Education Consultant Created February 2011
Standard 1 Provides multiple forms of evidence of student learning and growth to students, families, and staff. Grade book entries, classroom data Mid-term report/report card Rubrics Letters/emails/newsletters Student work displayed Student portfolio Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Check that you know your district’s student achievement goals. There will be several references to them. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1g, 5a, 5b, 5d, 5e, 8e
Standard 1 b) Implements strategies supporting student, building and district goals. Follows CSIP/SIP/IEP Observation notes Individual Professional Development Plan Volunteers for committees Creates lesson to meet curriculum standards Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. CSIP is a comprehensive school (or service) improvement plan which states the overall goals for improvement in the district. IEP is an individualized education plan. What evidence might you have which shows you follow student’s IEP plan or that you create lessons to meet curriculum standards? Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 4a, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 8c
Standard 1 c) Uses student performance data as a guide for decision making. Class test results Lesson plans Team meeting minutes Differentiated lessons Use of IEP results Running Records/other evidence of gathering data Concurrent lesson plans Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Other possibilities of evidence would be pre-assessment tests and formative assessments. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 3a, 4a, 4c, 5a, 5f
Standard 1 d) Accepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports the learning of every student. Modifications Accommodations Multiple assessments Differentiated Lessons Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Would you have tests or worksheets which you have reworked to make them easier to understand? Easier on the eye? More chunked? Might you show the enhanced curriculum you use for gifted students? Tiered instruction lessons? Flexible grouping options? Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4c, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, 8d
Standard 1 e) Creates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness. Survey results from students/parents Class rules/expectations posted Community Building activities-observations notes Bulletin boards Lesson Plans Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. You might include your daily routine or how you teach to include student interests. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 3d, 4c, 6a, 6e
Standard 1 f) Participates in and contributes to a school culture that focuses on improved student learning. Action steps/teacher action Notes from child study/problem solving/instructional decision making meetings Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Committees of which you are a member…that focus on student achievement would also be evidence of this criteria. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1b, 1f, 4b, 5f, 7a
Standard 1 g) Communicates with students, families, colleagues, and communities effectively and accurately. Emails Classroom newsletter Phone call log Thank you notes received Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Don’t forget newspaper or newsletter articles as well as your part of the school website. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1a, 5a, 5b, 5d, 5e, 8e
Standard 2 Understand and uses key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to the content area. Copies of lesson plans Student work/portfolio Observation notes Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Conceptual teaching and cross curricular studies would also fit here. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2c, 3a
Standard 2 b) Uses knowledge of student development to make learning experiences in the content area meaningful and accessible for every student. Copies of handouts DVD’s, Videos, websites used Notes on lesson plans Log of AEA involvement Observation notes Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Also include spiraled curriculum & brain-based strategies. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2d, 3c, 4c
Standard 2 c) Relates ideas and information within and across content areas Lesson plans Notes planning meetings Observation notes Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Cross-curricular connections, similar studies & spiraled curriculum. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 3a, 4a
Standard 2 d) Understands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area. Assessments Evaluator observation notes Lesson Plans Differentiated student work samples Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Include research-based instructional strategies and brain-based strategies you use in your classroom. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 3b, 3c, 3f
Standard 3 Uses student achievement data, local standards, and the district curriculum in planning for instruction. Copies of assessments including pre-assessments Lesson plans that fit district standards Graphs showing variety of assessment results and plans for using assessment data Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Know the district curriculum for your content area and how you teach it. Also connect to national, state and core standards. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1c, 2c, 3a
Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Standard 3 b) Sets and communicates high expectations for social, behavioral, and academic success of all students. Handbooks, hand-outs Lesson plans/reflecting teaching/reinforcing expectations Photos of student successes Survey results of student response to classroom climate Observation notes Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Pictures and reflections are worth a thousand words for this standard. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1a, 1d, 1e, n1f, 5b, 5d, 6a, 6b, 6c, 8d
Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Standard 3 c) Uses student’s developmental needs, backgrounds, and interests in planning for instruction. Student interest surveys Parent surveys Lesson Plans Variety of project choices for a lesson Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Tiered instruction, student choice board & flexible grouping may work for this criteria. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2b, 3d, 4b, 4c
Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Standard 3 d) Selects strategies to engage all students in learning. The use of teaching techniques: cooperative learning, projects, presentations (observable ) Copies of lesson plans reflecting differentiation of instruction Student evaluation of completed project Photos of students engaged in learning activities Observation notes Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1b, 2d, 3d, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4f
Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Standard 3 e) Uses available resources, including technologies, in the development and sequencing of instruction Computer use (observable) Copies of lesson plans that include technology Observation notes Bibliography of resources used in planning Photo documentation Field trip summaries Community speakers utilized (observable) Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Think of all the technology possibilities! Blogs, discussion boards, power points, videos! Don’t forget the library resource center. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2d, 3e, 4d
Standard 4 Aligns classroom instruction with local standards and district curriculum. Lesson plans Assessments results-both teacher developed and textbook Photo diary/documentation Notes from team planning sessions Standards/benchmarks posted in room Observation notes Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1b, 2c, 3a, 8c
Standard 4 b) Uses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels. Examples of student work Examples of research reviewed and used Teacher self-assessment Workshop implementation, logs and evaluator observation notes Lesson plans Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meet the multiple learning needs of students. Use the book/article you read on researched based strategies as evidence of this. Implement instructional strategies from the researched-based strategy packet from AEA 267 Year Two Mentoring and Induction. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1b, 3d, 7a
Standard 4 c) Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in adjusting instruction to meet student needs. Use of accommodation and modifications-observable Copy of instructional decision making plans Student work showing evidence of positive results 504, IEP accommodation plans Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meet the multiple learning needs of students. Don’t forget to add evidence that you meet the needs of your higher level learners! List the rigorous, thought provoking questions you use…Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1c, 2b, 3a, 3c, 4b, 4d, 4f, 5f
Standard 4 d) Engages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social, emotional, and academic growth. Student work samples Photos of students engaged in their work Survey results from students Lesson plans Observation notes Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meet the multiple learning needs of students. For cultural, gender and racial differentiation, note the units of study highlighting diverse groups and ideas. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2b, 3d, 4c, 4f
Standard 4 e) Connects students’ prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests in the instructional process. Student interview data Providing social activities Parent input about student Student work samples. Lessons with choices for students Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meet the multiple learning needs of students. Pre-assessments and the follow up of how you differentiated the curriculum to meet this student’s needs would be awesome here! Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2c, 3c, 3d, 4c, 4d
Standard 4 f) Uses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction. Guest speakers Lesson plans Student research projects using variety of presentation formats-(observable) Web site developed by teacher Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meet the multiple learning needs of students. Think of all the technology you might use that would show evidence of this! Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2d, 3d, 3e
Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 5 Aligns classroom assessment with instruction. Assessments results reflected in lesson plans Copies of alternative tests Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Making the connections between any and all of these: what you teach, what you assess, what the district, state and core curriculum says you should assess Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 3a, 4c, 5c
Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 5 b) Communicates assessment criteria and standards to all students and parents. Newsletter Classroom website Report Cards Parent conferences/information Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1g, 3b, 3e
Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 5 c) Understands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction. Evidence of multiple assessments throughout the year Lesson Plans reflecting assessment results Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Not just the use of textbook tests, but various levels of questions and projects and presentations. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1c, 3a, 4c
Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 5 d) Guides students in goal setting and assessing their own learning. Goal charts Goals sheets written by students Achievement data Lesson plans showing reflective writing for students Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. The teacher uses all of the following: Self, peer and teacher directed assessment of learning. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1c, 6a, 8e
Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 5 e) Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students and parents. Conferences IEP meetings Parent phone calls log Email Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1e, 3b, 3e
Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 5 f) Works with other staff, building and district leadership in analysis of student progress. Notes from team meetings Child study team/problem solving and /or instructional decision making notes Evaluator’s observation of team meeting Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Collaboratively analyzing student data such as an item analysis or an ITBS analysis may work for this. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1f, 7a, 7b, 8c, 8e
Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Standard 6 Creates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for every student. Cooperative learning strategies-(observable) Classroom arrangement (observable) Small group activities (observable) Student jobs in groups (observable) Student self-evaluation of behavior Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Your room is arranged for maximum effectiveness, you have taught rules for group work, the students evaluate their interactions with other students and the curriculum. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1d, 1e, 3b, 5d, 6d
Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Standard 6 b) Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible student behavior. Expectations posted in classroom My job/Your job chart posted Photos of agreements posted Demonstrates competence in classroom management. If you have set the expectations and hold students accountable the evidence would be in your classroom everyday. Classroom management books & seminars may work here. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1d, 1e, 6a, 6c, 6d, 6e, 8d
Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Standard 6 c) Develops and implements classroom procedures and routines that support high expectations for student learning. Rules/expectations posted (observable) Classroom agenda/calendar posted (observable) Class contract/constitution posted (observable) Substitute folder available Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1d, 1e, 3b, 6a, 6b, 6d, 6e
Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Standard 6 d) Uses instructional time effectively to maximize student achievement. Students on task (observable) Smooth transitions (observable) Observation notes Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Flow is what is established in a well-managed classroom. You cannot see it, but you can see what happens when it isn’t there. How you maximize time on task in your classroom would be good evidence. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 3d
Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Standard 6 e) Creates a safe and purposeful learning environment. Student behavior (observable) Charts such as My job/Your job posted Demonstrates competence in classroom management. The types of routines and procedures you set up in your classroom help create the environment. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1d, 1f, 6a, 6c
Engages in professional growth. Standard 7 a)Demonstrates habits and skills of continuous inquiry and learning. Transcripts Copies of membership certificates Log of books/journals read Degrees or certification Documentation of professional learning Engages in professional growth. You are taking mentoring classes to improve your skills and knowledge about the mentoring process. You are reading articles and reflectively responding about the article and to others. You are continually improving your skills by implementing researched-based strategies in your classroom. Good for you! Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 7b, 7c, 7d
Engages in professional growth. Standard 7 b) Works collaboratively to improve professional practice and student learning. Lesson plans showing co-teaching Peer evaluation Evaluator observation of co-teaching Engages in professional growth. There is no greater collaboration than the mentor/beginning teacher partnership. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 5f, 8c, 8d, 8e
Engages in professional growth. Standard 7 c) Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to improve practice. Innovative research-based lessons- (observation notes) Presentation of knowledge to groups Teacher journal entries showing reflective teaching Engages in professional growth. Once again, you are taking mentoring classes to improve your mentoring and teaching practice. Tell a group of teachers what you have learned and how you are using it in the classroom. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 2d, 4b, 7a, 7b
Engages in professional growth. Standard 7 d) Establishes and implements professional development plans based upon the teacher’s needs aligned to the Iowa teaching standards and district/building student achievement goals. Show growth in student achievement Individual professional development plans Observation notes from evaluator Engages in professional growth. What are you doing to enhance your teaching abilities? Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1b, 8a, 8b, 8c
Engages in professional growth. Standard 7 e) Provides an analysis of student learning and growth based on teacher-created tests and authentic measures as well as any standardized and district-wide tests. Grade book Student self-graphing ITBS data analysis Item analysis Pre-post assessments Engages in professional growth. This is new criteria. Student made graphs of learning over time (test scores) & formative assessments may work well here.
Standard 8 Adheres to board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations. Show growth in student achievement Teacher evaluation results Individual professional development plan Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 8b
Standard 8 b) Demonstrates professional and ethical conduct as defined by state law and district policy. Evaluator observable notes Documentation of mandatory training Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district. Ethics presentation notes and/or discussions. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 8a
Standard 8 c) Contributes to efforts to achieve district and building goals. Committee documentation of membership District committee/activity documentation Evidence of team-player (observable) Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district. Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1f, 5f, 7b
Standard 8 d) Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for all learners and staff. Participates in staff functions Student work samples Observation notes Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district. Don’t forget the video of you performing in the school-wide talent contest! What about the time you gave a presentation on a conference you attended? Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 6e
Standard 8 e) Collaborates with students, families, colleagues, and communities to enhance student learning. Phone log of parent contact Email log of parent contacts Conference schedule Community speakers/guests Field trip Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district. Also parent volunteers & organizations with an education focus Evidence for this standard and criteria might also fit: 1f, 5d, 5f
Iowa Teaching Standards To access material from the Department of Education Go to the Department of Education website at ON the left hand side in blue you will see a list…choose educator quality From the next list choose Iowa Teacher Standards and Criteria If you have any questions or comments about this power point please address them to Marcia Knupp at AEA 267. Email address