“ Writing is the litmus paper of thought ….. The very center of schooling. ” Ted Sizer
The 6-trait writing model is a way to assess and teach writing. This model focuses on 6 qualities seen in outstanding written works. The six traits include: Ideas Ideas : The content, or main theme. Can be looked at as the heart of the message. Organization Organization : The internal structure of the writing. Voice Voice : The personal voice of author comes through. This gives a sense of the real person speaking. Word Choice Word Choice : The use of precise, colorful and rich words to communicate. Sentence Fluency Sentence Fluency : The writing flows together often with a rhythm or cadence. Conventions Conventions : Mechanical correctness, including spelling and grammar.
“Human Beings have a great need to represent their experience through writing. We need to make our truths beautiful.” Lucy Calkins
This is the main focus or purpose for the writing. The reader's attentions should be clear with relevant anecdotes and details. The following is a simplified rubric for the trait of Ideas and Content:
“ I look back and forth and see potential endings and titles and leads. I’m looking for a trail through the material I have… “ Donald Murray
Organization is the internal structure of the writing. The following is a simplified rubric for the trait of Organization:
“Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader…not the fact that it’s raining, but the feel of being rained upon.” E. L. Doctorow
The personal voice of author comes through. This gives a sense of a real person speaking. The following is a simplified rubric for the trait of Voice:
“I do not choose the right word, I get rid of the wrong one.” A. E. Houseman “I do not choose the right word, I get rid of the wrong one.” A. E. Houseman
Word choice is the use of precise, colorful and rich words to communicate. The following is a simplified rubric for the trait of Word Choice:
“To write is to write is to write is to write is to write.” Gertrude Stein
Sentence Fluency allows writing to flow together often with a rhythm or cadence. The following is a simplified rubric for the trait of Sentence Fluency:
“One of the hardest tasks of the writer is to read what is on the page, not what the writer hoped would be on the page.” Donald Murray
Conventions involves mechanical correctness, including spelling and grammar. The following is a simplified rubric for the trait of Conventions:
Websites This website gives a listing of different 6 trait resources that can be purchased and use in the classroom. There are also some links to an explanation of the six traits. This website provides a list of links concerning 6 trait assessment. The official 6 trait website. Rubrics, definitions and a conference schedule can be found here. Excellent website for 6 trait definitions as well as ideas of how to implement and introduce the 6 traits into the classroom. This website has the definition of the 6 traits, as well as ideas of how to introduce the 6 traits into the classroom. This website gives various prompts that could be used to create school-wide writing samples. This website provides access to 6 trait posters for the classroom. This website provides a definition for the 6 traits, as well as rubrics for each of the traits. Each trait has a page PDF that gives a definition of the trait, a rubric for the trait and a variety of different activities that can be used in the classroom. It is an excellent resource.