Benton Community Health Center Located at: 530 NW 27 th Street Corvallis, Oregon (inside the Public Services building) Medical Staff consists of: 3 Physicians 6 Nurse Practitioners 6 Medical Assistants 2 Registered Nurses Programs offered at Center Primary Care Pediatrics Internal Medicine Reproductive Health Population served: Patients diagnosed with Diabetes: 135 Ethnicity: 41 Hispanic 85 Non-Hispanic 18 Not Collected / Unknown Race: 2 Asian 1 Black 29 Not Collected / Unknown 1 Pacific Islander 111 White
Benton Community Health Center Action Goals: 1) Develop collaboration between Benton Community Health Center and Oregon State University College of Pharmacy to provide disease management through the use of standing order protocols. 2) Utilize available resources within the Benton County Health Department to better serve our patients. Examples include; self-management classes using the Stanford Model, program evaluation through Health Promotion Program. 3)Identify evidence-based standing orders and protocols to improve the quality of care and flow of work. 4)Implement evidence-based standing orders and protocols to improve the quality of care and flow of work.
Benton Community Health Center Key Partnerships Benton County Health Department Oregon State University College of Pharmacy Stacy Ramirez – Pharm.D. Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice Oregon State University College of Pharmacy Role at the college is: Advancing community pharmacy by developing and studying innovative practice models for pharmacists in a community setting Involving students in all aspects of these models Teaching in the department of pharmacy practice As part of bullet #1, I began working with the Benton Community Health Center to provide clinical pharmacy services with a focus on chronic pain management and diabetes
Interest in the collaborative: Excellent opportunity for 2 nd year pharmacy students to learn interpersonal skills, empathy, challenges inherent in dealing with underserved populations, public health topics, chart review skills, communication with other healthcare providers. Each Student is assigned a patient form the collaborative. Activities students will perform include: chart reviews, patient interviews, patient skills assessments, blood-glucose meter training, preparation of appropriate patient education materials, SOAP notes, recommendations to providers regarding drug therapy, and home visits. Benton Community Health Center Oregon State University College of Pharmacy
Win – Win – Win Situation Benton Community Health Center College of Pharmacy benefits by offering a unique learning opportunity for our students Community Health Center benefits by gaining 90+ pharmacy students to provide services to our collaborative patients Clients benefit by receiving additional care focused on improving their self-care abilities.