A presentation on Aajeevika Special Projects
Around 70 PIAs are implementing this programme across 575 districts covering all States. PIAs are responsible for moblization, selection, training, placement and post-placement of rural unemployed poor youth. PIAs have to provide jobs to atleast 75% of trained candidates, and track the placed candidates for 1 year.
Around 6 lakh youth have been trained under this programme. Ministry will like States to take a pro-active role in monitoring the PIAs. States are requested to organize monthly review meetings each district to review the performance of these projects and encourage community participation.
Sr. No.IssueRecommendation 1 SELECTION OF REAL POOR ISSUE: BPL list is doesn’t cover all the poor, and is based on old data, does not provide a list of real poor. Participatory identification of poor methord has been developed and used successfully by States like A.P., TN & Orrisa. It was recommended that states can learn from these states, and develop their own system for identification of poor. 2WAGE RELATED ISSUE: Placement is focussed around Minimum wage leaded of supply of cheap labour, if these candidates are trained for 2 to 3 months, they should be getting better than the minimum wages. Minimum has to be the minimum wages, candidates can get more than this based on their skills, experience and initiatives. The first is at the entry level, acts as stepping stone, and can move on to higher level based on their initiatives and hard work. Many youth have immensely benefited from this programme.
ISSUESRECOMMENDATIONS 3 RETENTION ISSUE: Many trainees, who received skills training, either don’t move out to cities for jobs or some who move to cities return back 3 to 4 months. Yes, this is an issues. a) It is the responsibility of PIAs to track candidates for 1 year after placement, b) States may develop a call centres connected with MIS e.g. A.P. to support, counsel and track the status of placed candidates, c) Facilitation centre, d) use of community federations to track and monitor placed youth 4MIGRATION ISSUE: Instead of displacing youth from rural to urban areas, focus should be on attract small scale industries to set up their units in the close vicinity. District Collector is the best agency to coordinate with industries and other lined departments, and can encourage industries to set up small scale units in the close by areas.
ISSUESRECOMMENDATIONS 5 POST PLACEMENT ISSUE: Lack of nurturing and facilitation of candidates placed in the urban or semi urban areas. a) It is the responsibility of PIAs to track candidates for 1 year after placement, b) States may develop a call centres connected with MIS e.g. A.P. to support, counsel and track the status of placed candidates, c) Facilitation centre to be supported by State Government. d) use of community federations to track and monitor placed youth 6PROPOSALS SUBMITED BY AGENIES need to be available on NRLM SKILL website for downloading. Sanction letters and MoUs of PIAs have already been uploaded on the NRLMSKILLS website. Ministry will uploaded the proposals on the website.