Rockin’ and Rollin’ Into Learning
My Contact Information Phone: ext leave message during school day Daily Agendas * best way to contact me
7:50 – 8:10 – RTI 8:10 – 9:00 – Related Arts/Rest Room Break 9:00 – 10:05 – Math 10:05 – 10:25 – Recess 10:25 – 11:30 – Science / Social Studies 11:35 – 12:05 – Lunch/Rest Room Break 12:05 – 2:30 – Lucy Reading / Writing / RTI 2:30 – 2:40 – Agendas/Pack –up 2:40 – Dismissal
Opening – 10 to 15 minute Mini-Lesson Work Period- Students practice skills from opening and read independently Closing- Students share and reflect on what they have learned with the class Social Studies- American History After Civil War to Present Day Science- Ecosystems, Landforms, Force and Motion, Mixtures and Solutions MATH AND ELA WILL FOLLOW COMMON CORE STANDARDS
We will follow the School-Wide Discipline plan “Merrywood Manners.” The information and copy of rules is in your orientation packet. We will use a ticket/point system and/or Class Dojo.
1st time- Warning 2nd time- Removal from group to Refocus 3rd time- Loss of privileges 4th time- Parent contact by phone or letter (must be signed and returned) 5th time- Office referral * Immediate Referral for fighting, bullying, or disrespectfulness.
Students will be rewarded with tickets/points for good behavior, following lifeskills, and effort. We will determine rewards as a class. The students will decide how they want to be rewarded. Students are responsible for keeping up with their tickets/points. They must write their name and date in ink on the back. Students must keep their earned tickets in the cubby boxes or in their backpack. It will not be stored in their desk. Rewards will be given for every 10 tickets/points earned.
Read minutes each night. Students will be given weekly reading assignments that will be recorded. Short writing assignments Math practice Occasional projects and assignments (science fair, social studies research, etc.) Homework in 5 th grade should not take more than one hour. Please let me know if it is taking longer. Any homework assignment not completed will be finished during lunch or recess time. It is your child’s responsibility to write down all homework assignments correctly in their agendas. As fifth graders, students are old enough to do this independently. It is also their responsibility to bring home ALL the needed materials to complete the assignments. PLEASE SIGN AGENDAS NIGHTLY
Students will be assessed in a variety of ways including tests, quizzes, assignments, and projects. A= B= C= D= U= 69 and below
Free Breakfast in the Classroom: 7:35-7:45 – Must be here by 7:40 Tardy: 7:47 you must sign student in, walk them into the office (main doors locked) If a student has three tardies/early dismissals they are not eligible for perfect attendance. Tardiness will be tracked. Lunch: (adult $3.45) Please come to classroom to get students for birthday lunch if you are on your lunch break from work. Dress Code: no flip flops, pants above waist, skirts and shorts must be below fingertips. Car Riders: Name in car window…LARGE Black letters on card stock or car tag (Please keep this in your window everyday.) Students must have written permission for a change in dismissal. Phone calls will not be permitted.
Student Council WMER News Muskeeter Market (supply store) Safety Patrol Chorus Art Watch for more to come… Merrywood Clubs
Daily: Student Agendas- PLEASE CHECK EVERYNIGHT – students set up account enter code: p9k7ng This is also a free mobile app. up-as-a-parent-parent how-to-sign- up-as-a-parent-parent - parents can set up a parent account after your child has joined. Bi-Monthly: Important papers and newsletters As Needed: Phone calls: voice mail, notes home
! Expedition Sewee Field Trip 5 th Grade Field Trip to Camp Sewee 2 groups: April or 30-May 2, 2014 Cost: $180 for students, $100 for parents –$50 non-refundable deposit due end of September –Fundraiser: Chocolate bars = 6 boxes = $180 Payment schedule to follow Chaperones Needed – especially dads!
MY WISH LIST Gallon and quart plastic bagsGallon and quart plastic bags Kleenex- We will do our first graded writing assignment using a tissue box. Hopefully this will last us the entire year.Kleenex- We will do our first graded writing assignment using a tissue box. Hopefully this will last us the entire year. Hand sanitizerHand sanitizer Clorox wipesClorox wipes Paper towelsPaper towels Post-it notes (we will use them daily)Post-it notes (we will use them daily) Recess equipment (indoor and outdoor)- no footballs please. We especially need board games.Recess equipment (indoor and outdoor)- no footballs please. We especially need board games. Extra Supplies from supply list- We always run low after winter break.Extra Supplies from supply list- We always run low after winter break.
Student Enrollment Form Title one- Parent Survey and Compact- Please view MER power point for Title one programs- must be returned by Aug. 23 rd. Internet Permission/Rights and Responsibility Lunch Forms / School Fees- Return ASAP- You will be charged until form is completed and approved. PTO form- Please join!!! After school form- even if your child will not be attending Mrs. Jarrett’s student information forms Transportation: Note must be sent if different Current Proof of Residence- utility bill or rental agreement * Please feel free to complete them here or send them with your child on Monday.
for taking the time to attend Orientation! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!