To Digital or Not to Digital Lunch and Learn 22 January 2014
Association Survey Data 67% of associations publish a digital edition ……… of something Print is 57% of all revenue Paid subscriptions are 22% of all revenue Online/Emedia is 9% of all revenue Some associations have gone totally digital Others offer a mix of products
What is Digital
What is Digital? Website Apps, responsive design Outreach options- Newsletters, alerts Journals, magazines, newspapers Webinars Hybrid options – QR codes, Layar, Netpage
Why Digital? Media agnostic - reach readers anywhere, anytime, on their terms Digital production is easy (relatively) Environmental concerns Saves money Offers new revenue options
Going Digital Physics Today started a digital edition in 2012 $2.5+ million print ad revenue at risk Offered only to non-US subscribers – approximately 11,000 Open rates ranged from 18 – 21% We consider this bonus circulation – advertisers still on the fence
New Subscriber Actions Offer to a society whose members no longer receive a subscription to Physics Today Over 500 new subscribers Two offer options: print + online digital + online Both options were offered at the same price ?????
Why Digital? Experiment! Don’t be afraid, be prudent Experiment! Why Not Digital?
Content & Design Considerations
Design and produce pages that are intended for the medium you chose Tablet viewing Desktop viewing
Use data to drive editorial decisions
Develop a menu of interactive elements and stick to it
Create an icon set and a “How to Navigate” page
Sync icons back to print edition
Plan content to work in both print and digital
Dynamic versus Interactive Be cognizant of how to best use both
Create a magazine experience.
How do you define your association magazine’s reader experience?
More ideas!
Thank you! Randolph Nanna Physics Today Jen Smith Network Media Partners