====!"§==Systems= IPonAir T-Systems Nova Content Project goals Reference architecture Reference scenarios Terminology and definition Design principles
====!"§==Systems= Project goals Goal 1: Service Extension: to provide existing and emerging IP-based applications and services for mobile users without direct access to the fixed networks. Goal 2: Ad hoc Integration: to propose an open architecture for the interaction of Radio Access Network (HotSpot, GPRS/ UMTS ) and Ad hoc networks. Goal 3: Mobility Support: to support mobility in heterogonous radio access networks. Goal 4: Billing & Charging: to design a Billing & Charging methods for IPonAir. Goal 5: Computer Simulation: to develop a framework for the performance evaluation (TCP/IP, Handover, Interworking and Interaction) by simulation tools. Goal 6: Trials: to test the developed functions (Service Extension, Mobility support) by practical means.
====!"§==Systems= Reference architecture Ad hoc MxRAN IP-Core Network GW Ad hoc A-GW + + MxRAN
====!"§==Systems= Reference Scenario 1 HotSpot Mobile HotSpot IP – Core- Network Hotspot AP WA-GW Private Public MH-GW MA-GW
====!"§==Systems= Reference Scenario 2 GPRS/UMTS IP – Core- Network GPRS/UMTS Public Mobile HotSpot MH-GW Private MA-GW
====!"§==Systems= Reference Scenario 3 MxRAN
====!"§==Systems= Terminology and definition WA-GW: Wireless Ad hoc Gateway, owned by network operator. (Stable, controlled, not moving during communications.) MA-GW: Mobile Ad hoc Gateway, owned by an enduser. (Instable, uncontrolled, moving during communications.) MH-GW: Mobile HotSpot Ad hoc Gateway, owned by the network operator. (Stable, Controlled, moving during communications.)
====!"§==Systems= Design principles Minimize the requirements on the RAN Minimize the requirements on the user terminals Use user plane to transport control information Minimize the signaling traffic Be independent on any radio interface Be independent on any specific protocol Be compatible with other Internet protocols Easy deployment and evolution
====!"§==Systems= Functions and requirements Address Management with/without Internet IP Address Interworking MxRAN protocols and Ad hoc protocols Interaction Layer 3/ Layer 2 Mobility management - Routing - Handover and roaming