LEARN, LOVE, ACT: The Morals of Minimum Wage Originally delivered as part of Program # 318 UUA General Assembly 2014 Providence, Rhode Island
What is the minimum wage?
Tipped minimum wage by state
Gender and the Minimum Wage
Race and Minimum Wage
Families and the minimum wage
Map of Minimum Wage: Oxfam us/minimum-wage-map/
What does a raise to $10.10 mean in real terms?
What we can do about it? Encourage Congress to pass the Minimum Wage Fairness Act Support state and local campaigns to raise the minimum wage and support workers’ rights! Use our power as consumers: speak up when you eat out!
Encourage Congress to Act: Advancing Human Rights is the Work of Many Joining Hands
Join local campaigns:
Be a compassionate consumer:
Action Planning: What is my contribution? What do I commit to do? Who in my congregation can support me? Who in our community can we join? What are my action steps?