Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) MOTIVATION In human life Mobile devices e.g., smartphone, tablet pcs, etc) become an essential part of Dream of “Information at your fingertips anywhere anytime”, When compared to conventional information processing devices these Mobile devices are lack in resources. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) Motivation Soultion
WHAT IS MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING? MCC refers to an infrastructure where both the data storage and data processing happen outside of the mobile device. Mobile cloud applications move the computing power and data storage away from the mobile devices and into powerful and centralized computing platforms located in clouds, which are then accessed over the wireless connection based on a thin native client. MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING = MOBILE COMPUTING + CLOUD COMPUTING
WHY DO WE NEED MCC? Mobile devices face many resource challenges (battery life, storage, bandwidth etc.) Cloud computing offers advantages to users by allowing them to use infrastructure, platforms and software by cloud providers at low cost and elastically in an on-demand fashion. Mobile cloud computing provides mobile users with data storage and processing services in clouds, obviating the need to have a powerful device configuration (e.g. CPU speed, memory capacity etc), as all resource-intensive computing can be performed in the cloud.
APPLICATIONS Mobile Commerce. Mobile HealthCare. Mobile Learning. Mobile Gaming.
ADVANTAGES Extending battery lifetime Improving data storage capacity and processing power Improving reliability and availability Dynamic provisioning Scalability Multi-tenancy Ease of Integration
ISSUES Mobile communication issues: Low bandwidth: One of the biggest issues, because the radio resource for wireless networks is much more scarce than wired networks Service availability: Mobile users may not be able to connect to the cloud to obtain a service due to traffic congestion, network failures, mobile signal strength problems Heterogeneity: Handling wireless connectivity with highly heterogeneous networks to satisfy MCC requirements (always-on connectivity, on-demand scalability, energy efficiency) is a difficult problem
ISSUES IN COMPUTATION SIDE Computational Offload Security Enhancing the efficiency of data access Context aware mobile cloud c
WHEN TO OFFLOAD? The amount of energy saved is S: the speed of cloud to compute C instructions M: the speed of mobile to compute C instructions D: the data need to transmit B: the bandwidth of the wireless Internet Pc: the energy cost per second when the mobile phone is doing computing Pi: the energy cost per second when the mobile phone is idle. Ptr: the energy cost per second when the mobile is transmission the data. Suppose the server is F times faster—that is, S= F × M. We can rewrite the formula as
Contd.. Energy is saved when this formula produces a positive number. The formula is positive if D/B is sufficiently small compared with C/M and F is sufficiently large. Cloud computing can potentially save energy for mobile users. Not all applications are energy efficient when migrated to the cloud. Cloud computing services would be significantly different from cloud services for desktops because they must offer energy savings. The services should consider the energy overhead for privacy, security, reliability, and data communication before offloading.
CODE OFFLOADING USING CLOUDLET “a trusted, resource-rich computer or cluster of computers that is well-connected to the Internet and is available for use by nearby mobile devices.” Code Offloading : Offloading the code to the remove server and executing it. This architecture decreases latency by using a single-hop network and potentially lowers battery consumption by using Wi-Fi or short-range radio instead of broadband wireless which typically consumes more energy.
Three Tier Architecture for code offload Three Tier Architecture for code offload Application Overlay Creation Process
Cloudlet Host The Cloudlet Host is a physical server that hosts 1) a discovery service that broadcasts the cloudlet IP address and port to allow mobile devices to find it. 2) The Base VM Image that is used for VM synthesis 3) a Cloudlet Server that handles code offload in the form of application overlays, performs VM synthesis and starts guest VM instances with the resulting VM images, and 4) a VM Manager that serves as a host for all guest VM instances that contain the computation- intensive server component of the corresponding mobile app. Mobile Client The Mobile Client is a handheld or wearable device that hosts 1) the Cloudlet Client app that discovers cloudlets and uploads application overlays to the cloudlet and 2) a set of Cloudlet-Ready Apps that operate as clients of the server code running in the cloudlet. The Mobile Client stores an application overlay for each cloudlet-ready app that a user would conceivably want to execute and for which computation offloading is appropriate. Each application overlay is generated from the same Base VM Image that resides in the cloudlet.
Workflow.. Cloudlet Host The Cloudlet Host is a physical server that hosts 1) a discovery service that broadcasts the cloudlet IP address and port to allow mobile devices to find it. 2) The Base VM Image that is used for VM synthesis 3) a Cloudlet Server that handles code offload in the form of application overlays, performs VM synthesis and starts guest VM instances with the resulting VM images, and 4) a VM Manager that serves as a host for all guest VM instances that contain the computation- intensive server component of the corresponding mobile app. Mobile Client The Mobile Client is a handheld or wearable device that hosts 1) the Cloudlet Client app that discovers cloudlets and uploads application overlays to the cloudlet and 2) a set of Cloudlet-Ready Apps that operate as clients of the server code running in the cloudlet. The Mobile Client stores an application overlay for each cloudlet-ready app that a user would conceivably want to execute and for which computation offloading is appropriate. Each application overlay is generated from the same Base VM Image that resides in the cloudlet.
Architecture for cloudlet-based code offload
REFERENCES The imminent convergence of the technology trio: Demystifying the super potential of 4G, CDN and cloud computing by Ramachnadran, N. ; Sivaprakasam, P.