DISCUSSION POINTS Chartering the Project Rationale Goals and Objectives Project Initiation Team Formation, Kick-off, Roles and Responsibilities, Plan Project Work in Progress Use Cases, Requirements, Evaluations Project Next Steps Testing, Documentation Relationships Beyond a Technology Implementation Demonstration 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 2
RATIONALE - REPOSITORY 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 3 Certain layers make perfect sense in a Centralized/Shared Repository – examples might include: Those with no formal agency custodian Those that are/will be aggregated from locals Those from partners without the means to share (smaller operations without GIS Server infrastructure) Redundant copies might be more efficiently stored in a shared Repository Yes, we understand…Some GIS layers are best managed in custodian repositories
RATIONALE - GEOPORTAL 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 4 Discovery is important ! Who, what, when, where, how… We are all both consumers and custodians Often fielding requests from hundreds of other consumers Often searching for updated information from many custodians One place to find data, services, and repositories for our authoritative government geographic information would be useful to many Investigating NSGIC GMA, and simple web search by state reveals: 41 other states have a central Repository, many also have additional functional repositories With more than one Repository there is often a GeoPortal for discovery
CHARTER Objectives Evaluate technologies for enterprise repository and geoportal services. These would necessarily enable: Geospatial information discovery Geospatial data storage (where appropriate), and Access to data across confederated domains Examine workflows within product (2) proof of concepts Estimate resource requirements for managed operations Goal A proposal to implement a managed enterprise repository and geoportal solution 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 5
PROJECT INITIATION Team Formation Primary Stakeholders (Custodians / Consumers) = State Agencies and Counties SAGIC – 2 voting representatives LION – 2 voting representatives Clearinghouse and Metadata Expertise (and an ear to the ground) SCO – 1 voting representative Additional Inputs: WLIP WLIA UW GIO 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 6
PROJECT INITIATION (CONT.) Kick-off – March 13th Meeting schedule and mechanisms determined Online meeting, Folders in shared directory, weekly schedule Targeted completion (based on tasks and schedule) Aug. 15 Roles and Responsibilities GIO - Agendas, Minutes, Meeting services, Technical test-bed, and Documentation compilation Voting Members – Research, Reviews, Analysis, Recommendations, and Reporting (to representative organizations) Auxiliary Members – Expertise and opinion regarding technical, operational, procedural, and governance issues. 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 7
PROJECT INITIATION (CONT.) The Plan (work breakdown) Develop stakeholder use cases Repository, Geoportal, Both Examine workflow and current capacities Extract functional and non-functional requirements Create an equitable product(s) evaluation checklist For use in looking at both open source and COTS solutions Proof of Concept testing Examine resource needs Document findings Create proposal 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 8
PROJECT WORK - IN PROGRESS Use Cases (15 ) Resource discovery Access to repository Search variants Classification/Filtering Map previews Downloads Publishing Lay person understanding Access to individualized layers Access to aggregations Portal as a middleman Remote endpoint First Point of Contact Backup facility 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 9
WORK - IN PROGRESS (CONT) 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 10 Component Uses / Characteristics Acquisition Preparation, Integration, Metadata, Services Publication Download
WORK - IN PROGRESS (CONT) 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 11 Requirements (22) Download data Interoperability Maintainability Price File Capacity Search capability Browse lists / categories Automations Specific search / browse Recognizing data formats Accessibility Performance / Response Reliability Recovery Output monitoring Preview services Secured endpoint Backup Data exchange protocols Reporting Documentation Input monitoring Critical Very Important Important Slightly Important * Not Important
WORK - IN PROGRESS (CONT) 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 12 Evaluations (6) 1.Priority 2.Ability to meet requirement Commentary / Nuance 3.Needs Operational (Technology, Standards, Metadata) Governance and Resourcing
PROJECT NEXT STEPS Testing 2 Geoportal Products will be chosen for demonstrated testing Functions, abilities, performance… Scripted workflows and load tests Closer examination of O&M needs Documentation Review and compilation of meeting notes, evaluations, needs assessments and test results Recommendation Report (final product) 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 13
BEYOND TECHNOLOGY – Single source for Discovery Gov-2-Gov Data Sharing Work WLIP - Act 20 Aggregations State Agency Land Information Reports Revised format requires data inventory, metadata, and service catalog Link Non-Techies Realtors? Business, Government, Education, Science, Environment and Conservation Organizations, Utilities….. 6/5/2014 GEOPORTAL REPOSITORY PROJECT - WLIA SPRING REGIONAL pg. 14