Professional Learning Communities A Reprise “There’s an assumption that schools are for students’ learning. Well, why aren’t they just as much for teachers’ learning?” - Seymour Sarason, as reported by Carol Dweck, Mindset
Concentrating on Results Common Assessments Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Shared Reflection Building Relationships Trust Shared Values Support Collaboration Utilizing Processes (Protocol) Lesson Study Action Research Instructional Rounds Feedback Enhanced Student Learning PLCs use collaboration, feedback, and shared reflection to maintain a balanced focus on Results, Processes, and Relationships with the ultimate goals being IMPROVED TEACHING and ENHANCED STUDENT LEARNING. Analysis of student work and research Adapted from Susan Sparks who adapted from Interaction Associates, LLC
Changing Gears: When Things Go Wrong Relationships What issues may arise that could threaten relationships? Strategies to resolve? Processes What issues may arise that could hamper the team’s processes? Solutions? Results What issues may arise that could interfere with getting meaningful results? How to fix?
Goal Setting & Swimming in the Same Direction Does your school/division have a goal that guides actions? Does your grade level/department possess a guiding goal? Will the PLC/PLT establish a goal or goals? HOW WILL YOU PRIORITIZE? WHAT IF THE VARIOUS GOALS ARE NOT ALIGNED OR COORDINATED? HOW DOES GOAL MANAGEMENT ASSIST WITH CONSISTENT MESSAGING AND KEEPING EVERYONE MOVING IN THE SAME DIRECTION?
Agendas and Information Exchange Ideally, agendas should be used as a form of regular goal setting. How are agendas similar to/different from lesson plans? How will your team set an agenda? Will agenda be daily, weekly, unit-oriented, other? What parts/pieces of an agenda will you utilize? Purpose? Desired Outcomes? What? How? Who? When? How will your team keep minutes/journal of work? How will your team report its progress? To whom?
Starting an Agenda… In school teams, design an agenda for the first week that your PLC/PLT will meet…integrate your lesson plan that you developed earlier for week one. For Week #1, these agendas will feel very facilitator-driven. However, what you are doing today is practicing a process that you should engage in with your PLC for setting agendas for future work.
4 Key Questions of a PLC 1. What do students need to learn? 2. How will we know if/when students have learned “it”? 3. What will we do if students already know “it”? 4. What will we do if students do not learn “it”?
PLC Development at Westminster – Transferrable Learning Research Read, Read, Read Conduct “Admin Action Research” Admin- Teacher Partners Shared Vision Roles and Strengths Build Process A Critical Nucleus Experiment Careful “Ripples in a Pond” Communication