About the IPTA Mission The mission of the Illinois Physical Therapy Association is to empower its members to advance the ethical and professional best practice of physical therapy. Vision The IPTA creates a future of physical therapy in Illinois by: Playing a valued role in the professional life of every PT and PTA in the state. Partnering with our members to advance professional practice. Being a leading force in shaping and influencing health policy.
About the IPTA, cont. Vision 2020 By 2020, physical therapy will be provided by physical therapists who are doctors of physical therapy, recognized consumers and other health care professionals as practitioners of choice to whom consumers have direct access for the diagnosis of, interventions for, and preventions of impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities related to movement, function, and health.
About the IPTA, cont. History The IPTA was officially incorporated in the state of Illinois in February of 1951, following the acceptance of its bylaws by the American Physical Therapy Association. Since that time, membership has grown to just over 3,500 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and physical therapy students. The IPTA is classified as a 501(c)6: In layman's terms, a 501(c)(6) organization is one that is granted tax-exempt status by the IRS provided that it is not created as a for-profit business. Earnings of the 501(c)(6) organization do not benefit a private shareholder or individual. Any earnings must be put back into the organization to further its cause. Organizations that fall under this category of tax-exempt include professional associations, where the memberships is persons with a common business interest.
IPTA Structure
Current Strategic Goals 1. Achieve IPTA membership of 3300 full dues PT members and 250 full dues PTA members. 2. Influence legislative, political, and other external entities and activities to advance the professional practice of physical therapy. 3. Achieve unrestricted direct access. 4. Develop strong leadership to achieve IPTA goals including development of both new and experienced leaders. 5. Support professional development to advance the physical therapy profession.
IPTA Finances IPTA Income Dues Revenue Non-Dues Revenue CE Review Advertising (Career Center, PT Priority, CE) Mailing LabelsDonations Events (Conference, Conclave)
Budgetary Process Program Budgeting Process begins in May with instruction packet to volunteer leadership and webinar “how to” First drafts of budget requests due to Chapter office in July Staff & Finance Committee develop budget July- September Draft Budget presented in October as webinar and discussed at Board of Directors meeting Final Budget approved in December at Board of Directors meeting
Governance Assembly of Representatives The Assembly of Representatives is the highest governing body of the Association. Representatives are elected by the membership to determine the policies of the chapter, including the power to amend and repeal IPTA Bylaws. Assembly meets once a year (April) Board of Directors Provide oversight of Chapter activities and allocate resources to support our mission and strategic goals. Carry out the directives of the Assembly of Representatives. Board meets 5 times a year (4 in person, 1 conference call)
About the Board of Directors Board Structure Executive Committee President President-Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Chief Delegate PTA Director Speaker of the Assembly District Chairs Central East Central Eastern North Central Northern West Central Western Southern
About the Board of Directors Board Operations Board Composition 17 Board Members Two year terms (with the exception of the President) Two consecutive term maximum service Board Calendar The Board of Directors meets approximately five times a year. Executive Committee meetings are scheduled as needed.
How Do I Get Involved? Appointed Positions Elected Positions Practice Excellence Government Affairs Member Services Payment Executive Nominating Ethics District Leadership Assembly Rep Board Liaisons Committees Delegate at LargeFinance
Be a Good Volunteer Be a good ambassador. Be punctual and reliable. Maintain confidentiality. Know when to say “No”. Know the IPTA’s expectations of volunteers: You are an APTA/IPTA member. Commit to participating actively in all scheduled meetings. Attend and promote the events related to your group's purpose. Notify staff when you are unable to attend. Act as an ambassador for the Association in the physical therapy community.
Volunteer to Serve Appointed Positions
Practice Excellence Committee Responsibilities IPTA Sponsored CE Annual Conference Programming CE approval (review) Research & Scholarship Time Commitment Varies depending on responsibilities assigned by the Chair. No more than 8-10 hours per month.
Government Affairs Committee Responsibilities Monitor all impending state and local legislation that could have a significant impact on the physical therapy profession. Formulate legislative strategies and develop grassroots involvement. The Chair participates in the APTA’s State Government Affairs Forum (minimal/no out of pocket costs to Chair) Attend various events (fundraisers, meet and greets, etc) in order to develop relationships with various elected officials, legislative committees, and staff to enable prompt access to information regarding legislation. Time Commitment Varies based on legislative agenda, but averages 4-6 hours per month, some instate travel may be needed
Member Services Committee Responsibilities Develop content for quarterly to members Visit PT/PTA schools and giving short membership presentations Assist at social, educational, networking, and recruitment events Evaluate marketing and membership materials Coordinate iMAP activities Time Commitment Time commitments vary based on the responsibilities assigned by the Chair. Serving as Chair requires approximately 8-10 hours of work per month. Most meetings are held via conference call as needed and most work is conducted via . There may be monthly/bimonthly conference calls to discuss programs, progress, and ideas.
Payment Committee Responsibilities Monitors and provides comment on proposed regulatory and legislative changes in Illinois for potential effects on physical therapy payment Serves as primary contact to IPTA members with payment, practice, or regulatory questions. Forward billing, practice, and all other pertinent documents to the Chapter office to be posted on the IPTA website. Attend payor update seminars and visit payor websites to keep track of any major payment or practice changes. Assist in planning and execution of educational events related to payment issues for various audiences Contribute payment updates for publication in PT Priority. Time Commitment Time commitments vary based on the responsibilities assigned by the Chair. Serving as Chair requires approximately 8-10 hours of work per month. Most meetings are held via conference call as needed and most work is conducted via . Some attendance at governmental meetings may be required (usually held in Chicago or Springfield).
Finance Committee Composition Chapter Treasurer 4 IPTA members not on the Board of Directors – Appointed by President and approved by Board (3 year term) Committee member with seniority serves as Chair Responsibilities Development of the IPTA annual budget. Review budgetary requests and make recommendations based on previous expenditures, relationship to current Chapter goals/initiatives, and projected cash flow. Assist Chapter staff by reviewing policies, contracts, financial statements, audits, and filings to ensure compliance with Federal, State, and APTA reporting requirements. Review chapter investments and make recommendations to the Board of Directors Time Commitment One Finance Committee meeting is held annually. Most work is conducted via .
Board Liaisons Federal Affairs Liaison Serve as the link between their component and APTA’s Government Affairs Committee on federal issues. Facilitate grassroots involvement in and input into government affairs priorities, strategies, and activities. Early Career PT/PTA Liaisons Non-voting members of the Board of Directors. Ensure that those within the first 5 years of practice have a means to communicate the issues facing early career professionals. Represent early career PT/PTA in discussions at meetings of the Board of Directors. Participation in membership and communications programs.
Run for Office Elected Positions
General Expectations of Board Members Support the Chapter’s mission, purposes, goals, policies and programs. Serve actively on committees and task forces as requested by the President. Assume lead responsibility or oversight for special projects, programs, or committees at the request of the President or President-elect. Ask timely and substantive questions of the Board and committees that are consistent with personal conscience and convictions, while supporting the majority on issues decided on by the Board. Participate in Chapter and District activities. Promote Association leadership as a positive attitude and experience to members and others, and encourage leadership development and mentorship within the Chapter. Represent IPTA at certain special events.
Board Meetings Prepare for and attend five Board meetings per year. Suggest agenda items for Board meetings to ensure that significant policy-related matters are addressed. Submit concise reports, status updates, and information as requested in a timely fashion. Adhere to timelines developed by the Board and staff in order to ensure the timely dissemination of information and the execution of activities. Maintain confidentiality of any Executive session. Participate on or lead at least one committee of the Board.
Responsibilities Duty of Care Duty of Loyalty Duty of Obedience Fiduciary Responsibility Communications Membership Recruitment
Executive Committee President Serves as the official head and spokesperson for the Chapter. Represents Chapter, when indicated, in matters related to legislation, public relations, and legal issues. Serves as a member of the Chapter Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Presides at all meetings of the Chapter, the Chapter Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, with the exception of the Annual Assembly of Representatives. Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees appointed by the Chapter Board of Directors (excluding the Nominating, Ethics, and Awards Committees). Appoints Committee Chairmen and Liaisons with the approval of the Chapter Board of Directors and makes Task Force/Workgroup recommendations as indicated. Reviews duties and responsibilities of the Chapter Officers and Committee Chairman and sees that these are carried out. Maintains regular communication with all appropriate parties at the state and national level. Works with the Executive Director in the development of meeting agendas and schedules. Serves as a Delegate representing the Chapter in the House of Delegates. Serves as a Representative to the Assembly. Attends the APTA Chapter President meetings and events. Provides orientation to his successor during last year in office. Vice President Serves as a member of the Chapter Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Officiates in the absence of the President. Presides over the District Chairs meetings. Succeeds to the Presidency for the unexpired portion of the term of the President in the event that a vacancy should occur. Carries out any duties specified or requested by the Chapter Board of Directors. Approves requests for District reassignment. Assists the President with the assignment of all Board and membership charges. Track and reports all motions made at Board and Assembly meetings.
Executive Committee, cont. Secretary Serves as a member of the Chapter Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Works with the Executive Director and the President in the development of meeting agendas. Keeps minutes of the proceedings at the meetings of the Executive Committee, Chapter Board of Directors and the Assembly. Minutes include attendance list, motions presented, and other general business of the meeting. Tracks the action items on the agenda and maintains the action grid. Keeps an active file of all minutes and motions. Assists the Speaker of the Assembly with bylaw changes and review. Reviews bylaw changes and amendments for the Chapter and District and submits to National for approval. Treasurer Serves as a member of the Chapter Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Serves as a member of the Finance Committee. Acts as a board custodian for all Chapter funds. Approves expenditures and payments as required by the Chapter Financial Policy. Prepares annual Treasurer’s report for the Assembly. Serves as a resource for District Treasurers. Chief Delegate Serves as a member of the Chapter Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Serves as the leader of the Illinois Delegation in the House of Delegates. Serves as a Representative to the Assembly. Notifies Association of Chapter Delegate names. Coordinates Pre and Post House of Delegate meetings. Serves as a member of the Midwest Caucus. PTA Director Serves as a member of the Chapter Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. Serves as Chapter Representative to PTA Caucus. Speaker of the Assembly Serves as a member of the Chapter Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Liaison between IPTA and APTA for bylaw changes. Recommends necessary bylaws changes to IPTA Board of Directors. Presides over the Spring Assembly. Chair of the Bylaw committee. Sets the agenda for the Assembly in consultation with the Board of Directors and Executive Director. Coordinates Pre and Post Assembly meetings.
Nominating Committee Composition Three year term. Senior member on the committee becomes the Chair. Responsibilities Develops the slate of candidates for Chapter office. Oversees the Chapter election Working with District leadership, identifies potential future leaders for the IPTA
Ethics Committee Composition Three year term. Senior member on the committee becomes the Chair. Responsibilities Investigate complaints against members of the Chapter. Conduct disciplinary action proceedings in accordance with the procedures set forth by the APTA. Monitor the information available through the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations and report any suspected violations to the Chapter President Provide educational opportunities to membership in the form of educational programs, webinars, poster presentations, and articles in the PT Priority regarding ethics and professionalism.
District Leadership District Chair Serves as a representative of the District at the Board of Directors meetings. Participates in District chairperson calls. Ensures that the District is represented in the House of Delegates. Presides at District meetings. Communicates regularly with the Chapter office on District meetings dates and activities. Vice Chair Attends Board of Directors meetings in the absence of the District Chair. Presides over the District Chairs meetings in the absence of the District Chair. Succeeds to the District Chair for the unexpired portion of the term of the President in the event that a vacancy should occur. Carries out any duties specified or requested by the District. Secretary Works with the District Chair in the development of meeting agendas. Keeps minutes of the proceedings at the meetings of the District. Minutes include attendance list, motions presented, and other general business of the meeting. Treasurer Acts as custodian of the District’s funds. Reconciles bank statement and sends reports to Chapter office and Chapter Treasurer as requested. Other Positions Developed as needed to facilitate the business of the District
Assembly of Representatives Composition Assembly Representatives are elected to a two year term District representation is determined by population. Each District is allotted at least one PTA representative position. Responsibilities Attend the annual Assembly of Representatives (usually held in April) Participate in conference call discussions Represent the District’s interests on business brought before the Assembly
House of Delegates Composition One Delegate from each District (elected by the District) Delegates at Large (elected by the membership) IPTA President and President Elect Chief Delegate (elected by the membership) Responsibilities Attend the APTA House of Delegates, usually held in June Attend 2 pre and 1 post HOD instate meeting Participate in conference call as requested Represent Chapter’s interests on business brought before the House
Who Do I Contact? Web for more info Home page menu>About Us>Volunteer Opportunities Nominating Committee members Karen Goodlow, Tina Frank, Lisa Schwarz Chapter Office Colleen Flannery, Executive Director Board member or District officer