by A.D.Thirumoorthy Tamil Nadu Electricity Board India
Large untapped potential in India ~ 65,000 – 100,000 MW Technologies: Synchronous and Asynchronous Generators (with and without gears), New hybrid technologies are being introduced Turbine unit sizes: 500 kW to 1.65 MW, may go up to 2.0 MW in near future Leading States: Tamil Nadu – 4200 MW, Maharashtra – 1800 MW, Gujarat 1400 MW Costs ~ Rs Cr / MW subject to project size, location, technology
Leading reactive power raises local voltage Lagging reactive power lowers local voltage Add capacitors to counteract low voltage conditions Add reactors to counteract high voltage conditions, Turn off capacitors
V&I In Wind Mill
Voltage Harmonics
Current Harmonics
This is a typical case of Wind Mills tripping due to Voltage Sag Voltage Sag caused by tripping of another feeder in the same Sub Station due to earth fault Rise in load current experienced Suspect of induction Generator aiding the fault
Sample Dip
Voltage Dip in WM Feeder %
Current rise in WM Feeder +268%
Voltage Dip -51.4%
Tripping of WM Due to Sag Loss of WM Generation -42.5%
This a case study of Voltage Swell Voltage swell caused in a Wind Mill connected feeder Voltage Swell seen when Wind Mill connected feeder is isolated manually Voltage swell due to discharge of Capacitors connected for PF correction
Voltage Rise in WM During Supply Failure %
Voltage Rise in Wind Mill Feeder During Supply Failure %
Bipolar Transient
B-Phase voltage Drop put
Voltage SAG
Voltage Sag
Multiple Zero Crossing
Phase Shift Event
Sample Un-balance of Voltage
Transient due Tripping of Breaker due to inrush current
Flicker Data in Wind Mill
Sample Surge in Current
Swell in Current in Wind Mill
Active and Reactive Power in Wind Mill
Voltage Variation in Wind Mill
Frequency Profile
WM Generation Vs 110 KV Bus Voltage