How to Plan a Website Dusty Davis – Back Bay Service Unit Girl Scouts Camile Berry – Girl Scout Council of Colonial Coast
Welcome Introductions
Why Make a Plan? What do you really want the website to say? Who will maintain the website? When you are ready, where do you publish the site? How do you lay out the Website?
Agenda Planning Publishing A Website Getting Started TemptationsSummary
Planning Identify the Purpose or Goals – What is the main purpose of your web site?
Planning Figure out what kind of commitment is involved How much time and money are you willing to put into your website? Who will determine or approve the content? How often will website be updated?
Planning More on Commitment What kind of skills will be needed? Who will learn these skills? Should I use Software (WYSIWYG)? Should I use a Content Manager? Should I code from scratch (HTML)? Who will maintain and update the website? Most Importantly: Decide what is best for you
Planning Do I need a blog or a website? Which is better? Blog: A blog is a series of content (called "posts") that are usually organized by date and category for convenient browsing. A blog is a series of content (called "posts") that are usually organized by date and category for convenient browsing. They have comment forms at the end of every post that allow the readers to interact. Blogs were originally created for personal journaling. Now blogs are used in place of websites.
Planning Do I need a blog or a website? Which is better? Website: A website is a collection of content called web pages. Unlike a blog, the pages are not usually organized by date. A website is a collection of content called web pages. Unlike a blog, the pages are not usually organized by date. With websites, you have a more control of your site's layout because it's easier to work directly with the code.
Planning Know your Audience Who will visit the web site? Who will visit the web site? What do they do? How old are they? What are their interests?
Planning Design Layout – Ask others their opinions - Brainstorm Select the Content Categories Carefully – Write it down on paper Search the Web for ideas
Publishing the Site Where to Host Your Site Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) Free Service Hosting Company DedicatedShared What about a Domain Name?
Publishing the Site Hosting Company (plans) – Usually comes with a Domain Name MidPhase Hosting Net Firms Go Daddy Free Hosting (Free, will have advertising and bandwidth limits, Domain Name is not usually included) Google Sites Blogger or WordPress Webs (formerly FreeWebs – Has a section for Scouts) ClubspacesVolunteerSpot
Get Started Layout Folders or categories for images, contacts, forms, etc. Draw it out on paper – Story Board it HomeEvents SU Girl Events Volunteer Meetings ContactsVSTVolunteers Documents Images Archives
Creating the Website Planning the layout Pages must be functional, with logical navigation Pages must be functional, with logical navigation Page must be easy to update Organize all the files Try to keep filenames, try not to move files Graphic design is part of functional and navigation
Creating the Website Programs (Editors) FrontPage 2003 Kompozer (Free) CoffeeCup (Has Free Version) Dreamweaver This is just a small example of programs available
Creating the Website Content Management Systems (CMS) Database driven, dynamic website template software that provides the site owner with the ability to upload, edit and delete content. WordPress Moveable Type TypePadBloggerDrupalJoomla
Creating the Website What If I don’t want to use a program? Can you write HTML without a program? YES, you can HTML: HyperText Markup Language HTML is the language by which Web Servers and browsers communicate with each other.
Creating the Website What it really looks like
Temptations Do keep it simple. (Less is more – and tasteful simple web sites are more appealing) Do Make it eye pleasing. (Blinking and multi-colored text is a bad idea) Don’t use a Flash introduction. Don’t put music or sound files that play automatically on your site. Don’t put a lot of slow-loading graphics and media on your page. Do make sure your visitors at a glance know what your site is about. Don’t use pop-ups on your website. Do avoid copyright violations. Do be responsible: Ensure that your Web site is safe, secure, monitored and and moderated.
Group Summary
Website Planning Identify the Purpose or Goals – What is the main purpose of your web site? Figure out what kind of commitment is involved Do I need a blog or a website? Know your audience Design Layout – Ask others their opinions - Brainstorm Select the Content Categories carefully – Write it down Search the Web for ideas Decide where to host your site Most Importantly: Decide what is best for you
Website Planning Thank you! Resources are attached Dusty Davis – Back Bay Service Unit Girl Scouts Back Bay Service Unit FD&V VFA: Camile Berry – Girl Scout Council of Colonial Coast Girl Scout Council of Colonial Coast IT Director
Resources Girl Scout Resources (Additional Questions ext. 258): Girl Scout Council of Colonial Coast: Girl Scout Copyrights: Girl Scout Guidelines for Websites: Paid Web Plans Go Daddy: Midphase: Net Firms: Yahoo! Webhosting: Free Web Sites FreeWebs: ClubSpaces: Google Sites: VolunteerSpot:
More Resources Blogs Blogger (Free): WordPress (Free): Adult Learning Classes (Check your local Community College or School District for Adult course offerings near you) Course Catalog for Virginia Beach Adult Learning: Course Catalog for Chesapeake Adult and Continuing Education: Tutorials Building a School Website: (For Beginners) How-To— (Intermediate) W3schools: (Advanced) Tools FrontPage 2003 (Available with MS Office 2003 Professional – will be discontinued) Kompozer (Free): CoffeeCup (Has Free Version): Dreamweaver: