Abstract In recent times science and engineering have found ways to produce energy with renewable resources. One of these discoveries is the wind. This energy is a pure, clean and high quality. This requires a steady wind of 13 mph or more. In addition large land needed for the installation of wind turbines. After investigating the characteristics of the community San Salvador were able to conclude that wind energy is a great alternative for these and for all Puerto Rico. This community is an agricultural and land being used for the installation of wind turbines can be used for planting and animal husbandry. Puerto Rico is an underdeveloped country and if we start to create renewable energy resources we can produce our own energy and money to be saved from the purchase of oil can be used to restore the economy of our country. The introduction of wind turbines as alternate energy sources to the community of San Salvador. Eliu Alejandro Torres and Efrain Alejandro Torres GeoExplorers, School of Sciences and Technology, Universidad del Turabo Introduction For years the energy used in most parts of the world is produced by oil. The oil is used more every day; because this is a non-renewable resource at any time can be completed. Its price in 1990 was $7 a barrel currently stands at $ 140 a barrel and the price continues to rise. Puerto Rico is no exception in the use thereof. The energy of Puerto Rico depends on your vast majority of oil. Puerto Rico is an island which is located in the tropics which makes possessing large renewable resources. Among the renewable resources that are in Puerto Rico this solar, wind, water, waves, among others. With these resources can create different types of energy such as solar, wind power, tidal power, hydropower, among others. If Puerto Rico focuses on using these resources we can move from one country to one totally dependent independent on the production of energy and step improve our economy. Finally, Puerto Rico has a host of renewable resources that can be used to create energy. If we begin to utilize renewable energy we will save money to stabilize the economy and so are independent. Only need to begin to use them wisely. Moreover a colleague and I are going to make a proposal for the establishment of wind turbines in a community in which there are a lot of wind, which can be used to create energy. Background For years the world has depended greatly on the use of oil and because there was a non-renewable energy, this resource can be quite a few years away. The oil reserve is estimated that can cover 40 more years, and this has been one of the main reasons why the price has gone up exorbitantly. Actual most electricity produced in Puerto Rico is in the thermoelectric and these widely used oil, oil by using much the fare rises and decreases due to seek new alternatives to generate energy such as wind. Oil is well-pollutant and toxic to the contrary that wind energy is clean and pure The discovery and premature exploitation of renewable energies like wind energy can help make the world does not depend on oil and reduce pollution in the world. The only disadvantage is remarkable that birds can die by the propellers of the wind turbine, but a study found it increased the number of dead birds against accidents caused by cars and planes. Materials and Methods Materials - Materials for the model: Foam board Paste Scissors Tempera Corrugated paper Map of community - Materials for wind turbine: Propellers Generator Boxesgear Cablesdrivers Capacitor Methodology: - Make a survey to ascertain whether the residents are in line with the introduction of wind turbines. - Then check the area where it will locate wind turbines. -Create a map of the area where they are going to put wind turbines. -After checking the area, to comply with the requirements, beginning with the installation. Results and Discussion Conclusion After investigation we realized that the introduction of wind turbine in the San Salvador community is viable. This community meets the requirements such as wind and space for the implementation of the same. References 1) Redondo B: El mercado de la energia eolica en los E.U ) Fuentes R: Opurtunidades para la comercializacion de mini sistenas eolicos The area we chose to introduce the high wind turbines is an area in which the wind speed is a constant between 8 and 15 miles per hour. Description of Sampling Site Costs of wind generator for the entire community Amount of houses= 730 Amount and price of wind generator= 4 millions Maintenance= 200,000 anually Total= 4,200,000 Amount to pay per house= 5,755 dollars Amount to pay monthly= 100 dollars ( loan to 5 years) Costs for personal wind generator Price of wind generator for one house= 15,000 dollars Amount to pay monthly= 250 dollars Energy that produce= 240 volts Prices paid by residents of San Salvador for community service electricity Costs for individual wind turbines