Ever Decreasing Circles David G Smithard MD FRCP RICR Clinical Director Kent and Medway CLRN
Recruitment to Time and Target – based on portfolio data combined with portal RTT data collected by MH delivery team
CLRN Support for – Portfolio Dr Ian Akers – Industry James Porecca Research Governance – Hazel Crawford Delivery Team – MHRN – DeNDRoN
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Set-up phase is over! Shift towards performance management Management through the Coordinating Centres/Teams “With performance comes autonomy” – light touch for those who deliver “Special measures” for those who don’t
Risk Management There were 57,065 clinical claims through the NHS Litigation Authority between 1995 and 2010 Of these, just 6 related to clinical trials (0.01% of total) Of the six claims recorded, 3 were rejected, one is ongoing and two received payment. The total amount paid in damages for clinical claims (minus those related to trials) between 1995 and 2010 was £8,660,644,000 The total amount paid out in damages for claims relating to clinical trials was £235,000 (£160,000 + costs). This is just 0.002% of the total damages figure. Networks are spending 8% of Budget on RMG