What you need to know Safety Types of Trips Trip Areas Trip Planning Recording and communication
What a coordinator is not Guide Leader Outfitter First Aid attendant
What a coordinator is Organizer Contact person Connects with trip coordination committee as needed Makes decisions about weather, size of group, organizes a sweep person, Aware of safety
Safety All participants are responsible for their own safety and that of the group Make it clear if you see an issue you are not comfortable with example: people should wear life jackets and have required safety equipment with them If you are uncomfortable, speak up, get help from someone with experience
What Can Go Wrong Weather Injury Gear issues Conflict about decisions Skill level not appropriate to trip Group too large to manage
Risk and Liability WE HAVE INSURANCE FOR: Personal injury for members, guests and coordinators (all guests must pay a $10 fee) Liability in case of lawsuits brought against the club, executive, trip coordinators or members and guests Trip coordinators approve trips and info is sent to Canoe and Kayak BC to add to our list
Relax Remember, there are always people that can help you on any trip People are competent and helpful There are very few incidents on any of these trips Make sure you have fun too
Types of Trips Wednesday evening paddles Day paddles Fixed base multiday Moving base multiday
Trip Planning Comox Valley Paddlers Website -Trip Planning tab has instructions and forms (hard copy by request) Pick a trip type and location that is of interest to you. For some types of trip, you may want to specify numbers of participants. It is a good idea for you to have gone to the area before the trip takes place
Trip Planning cont If you don't know the location well get another member to join you that knows the campsites, activities and paddles in the area Research other activities in the area – hiking, biking, etc Once you have decided on the trip you want to coordinate, apply a rating to the trip (see website) and submit the details to trip coordination committee for approval by the club
Trip Planning cont Feel free to contact us to bounce around ideas or get suggestions If you’d rather work in a team, co-coordination is a great option. We can help find someone suitable. Especially helpful on multi-day trips.
To Do For All Trips Choose location Determine meeting place, launch site, time to start Ensure waivers are signed by all participants. Guests need to pay $10 for insurance coverage
To Do cont Pre launch discussion and check list Ensure you have charts for the area you are going to VHF radios are recommended Have fun!!!!!!!!
Wednesday Night Paddles Short (2-3 hours long) simple, easy access and launch. Rating of 1. List of suggested places are on website Pick a day, let us know and then pick your site and launch location and time for meeting You could add fun activities if you wish – barbecue, pub afterwards, etc Consider when it gets dark at that time of year
Wed night paddles cont Green box on website homepage announces the Wed paddle location and time If you need to cancel the Wed paddle due to weather, contact (on website) and Ellie will update the website Trip list will be on the website by early April
Home sweet home
Day Paddles Start time, launch site and ensure all know if you are going to stop for a lunch Better to have people sign up ahead so you know number of people and can contact them if needed You can put a limit on number of people or have it for a certain interest (women,men etc) –it’s up to you Know your location and the best places to stop for breaks, lunch, a swim etc
Day Paddles cont Remind people about what to bring -water, sunscreen, raingear, dry clothes, food etc Might want an alternate plan in case weather changes Contact participants directly in case of cancellation due to weather or change in plan
Day Paddles
Fixed Base Camp Overnight Make arrangements with campground and find out local attractions – restaurants for dinners, hiking, biking, etc Announce trip early to ensure people make camping reservations in advance Determine paddle locations for each day Determine group activities for after paddling Each day, ensure you know what each person is doing for the day
Wilderness Camping Trips You need to be confident as a wilderness camper and know the area you are going into If you haven't been to the area before, ensure you either have someone with you who has or take a separate trip on you own to the area to explore and know what you want to do Decide on an appropriate number and skill level for participants Participants must sign up in advance.
How could it get any better?
Wilderness Camping cont Take time to ask about the skill level of your participants. If someone doesn't meet your conditions then you must advise them that they can't come. Safety first, then the fun. Organize a trip meeting in advance of the trip to discuss safety, how the group will paddle, decision making on the water, charts and time tables, gear and food, preparations and routes.
Wilderness Camping cont Provide a checklist outlining gear, food, and other items to bring (sample on website) There are other aspects of these trips that are more important than for day trips. For example least one radio per group with a licensed operator, bring a spare paddle, repair kit etc. Refer questions or problems to the trip coordinators.
Pre Launch Discussion If necessary, determine if the group will divide or stay as one. Provide information regarding route, timetable, tides, sea conditions, terrain, weather etc Discuss formations for crossings
Pre Launch cont Assign lead and sweep paddlers Identify buddies Check gear –must wear PFD Determine any personal medical issues Agree on decisions based on “weakest” link
Wed Night Paddles Suggestions Airpark Goose Spit Point Holmes Kye Bay Kin Beach Kitty Coleman Boat Ramp Wolf Lake
Wed Paddles con’t Comox Lake Boat Ramp Comox Dam (on Lake) Comox Dam Recreation Area (Puntledge River) Argyle Road (Royston Area) Union Bay boat launch List with details is on the website
Suggested Day Paddle Areas Tree Island Chrome Island Spider Lake Horne Lake Coal Hills shoreline Comox Lake Deep Bay
Suggested Day Paddle Areas Nanaimo Harbour Point Holmes Shoreline Morton Lake Quadra Island (Heriot Bay) Campbell River Estuary List on website
Fixed Base Multi Day Trip Ideas Tree Island Hornby Island Quadra (camp or cabins Heriot Bay or Discovery Lodge) Gabriola or Galiano Horne Lake Morton Lake Winchelsea Islands –Nanoose Area
Fixed Base Multi Day Trip Ideas Newcastle Island Alder Bay Broken Group -Sechart lodge Lund Victoria Gorge Bere Point Malcolm Island List on website
Wilderness Camp Ideas Blackberry Point Pirates Cove Wallace Island Broken Group Deer Group Cortez Island Desolation Sound
Wilderness Camp Ideas cont Kaikash Creek (Johnston Strait) Broughton Archipelago Victoria area –Darcy Island, Petter Bay Southern Gulf Islands –Saturna, Pender, Saltspring etc List on website
So many places to go
Getting Started Connect with the Trip Coordination Committee Bring your ideas to the committee or executive Ask if you want to co-coordinate with someone Ask for assistance in planning
You can do it!