NC Piedmont Triad Project Management Institute Board of Directors Meeting Kathy Peascoe MBA, PMP NCPT PMI President Saturday, February 13, 2010
2 Agenda Review
Who We Are and What We Do NCPT PMI is a professional trade organization whose primary intent is to promote professionalism in project management. NCPT PMI was founded and then charted in 1986 by the Project Management Institute as a non profit organization. We are a 501(c)6 organization. The Chapter’s main event is the monthly Chapter meeting. Today we have ~ 500 members. Chapter offerings have expanded to incorporate two annual PMP Exam Prep courses and a premiere Executive Outreach Event. Minor Bylaw changes were approved last year by the membership. One of our major thrust this year will be to overhaul the Bylaws and create a handbook / operations manual. We are governed by our current Bylaws which serve as a constitution for the way we are governed. (Please read and be familiar with them.) 3
PMI Core Purpose: To advance the practice, science and profession of project management through the world in a conscious and proactive manner. Core Values: Professionalism, Knowledge, Community and Volunteerism and Value of Project Management to business Envisioned Goal: Worldwide, organizations will embrace, value and utilize project management and attribute their success to it. NCPT PMI (Proposed) Vision: To establish and maintain a dynamic PMI Chapter that will provide for the professional development of a diverse membership; to encourage wide participation and high member activity; to operate the NCPT PMI Chapter in a sound and business- like manner in the furtherance of the purpose and objectives of the Project Management Institute. 4 PMI and Chapter Purpose, Values, Envisioned Goal and Vision
Provide operational excellence measured by customer satisfaction scores Define processes and policies for Board governance and transparency to our members Implement the performance measurement framework as required by PMI Global Manage the BOD structure for more effective execution of strategic and operational objectives. 5 President: Vision for 2010
BoD Organization 6 OfficeOfficer PresidentKathy Peascoe, PMP President Elect Michael Wharton, PMP Director of ProgramsSean Brady, PMP Director of Programs ElectRaymond Isler Director of TechnologyChris Kopchik Director of Technology ElectAparna Bhan Director of FinanceJim Jackson, PMP Director of Finance ElectVitrina Patrick, PMP SecretaryLiz Golding, PMP Secretary ElectTerri Leedy Director of Professional DevelopmentBruce Bunce, PMP Director of Professional Development Elect Rochelle Cook, PMP Director of CommunicationsDana Helton, PMP Director of Communications Elect Marsha Thompson, PMP Director of Executive OutreachVacant Director of Executive Outreach ElectDan Giles, PMP Director of MembershipMitchell Smith, PMP Director of Membership ElectLindsay Fernandez
BoD General Position Requirements 7 Skills and Abilities: Member of NCPT PMI in good standing: Is not under criminal investigation OR Is not under any inquires by PMI International or the NCPT PMI BOD Bachelor degree preferred or related equivalent Experience: 1.Working in teams/team matrix structure 2.Strong verbal and written communication skills 3.Working knowledge of MS Office suite 4.Demonstrates understanding and follows PMI Code of Ethics 5.Be prepared to take office on the first day of January following their election, and hold office until the last day of December or until their successors have been elected.
BoD General Position Requirements 8 Duties shall include, but not be limited to the following: Abide by the Charter Agreement, the NCPT PMI Chapter Bylaws and the NCPT PMI Policies and Procedures manual ( to be developed ) Participate in the development in the NCPT PMI Policies and Procedures manual as needed and appropriate Additionally, the Directors shall: 1.Form committees and direct special projects as needed to fulfill their goals and objectives in the annual plan and budget, and in accordance with the strategic plan. 2.Prepare monthly status reports and/or ad-hoc reporting. Report status and significant plan variances to BOD monthly. 3.Provide input to the balanced scorecard report for GOC 4.Act as chapter liaisons 5.Coordinate activities with other Directors or their designees.
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 9 President - Chairperson of Board- Provide overall leadership and direction Maintain Board adherence to NCPT PMI bylaws Ensure representation of the Chapter at external events In cooperation with Director of Finance: Provide oversight and direction for Annual Plan and Budget Manage approved budget Requirements for global and charter renewal are met: 1.Hold annual election in accordance with Bylaws 2.Orientation session for new officers 3.One annual business meeting 4.Confirm that officers have met minimum board meeting attendance 5.Proper minutes are kept 6.Annual financial plan is submitted 7.Point of contact for PMI Region 5
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 10 President Elect -Successor to President- Performance Management Framework Updates to GOC Leadership training to Board members for transition of Board Other projects as assigned by the President
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 11 Director Finance Fiscal accountability: Budget procedures and guidance Forecasting planned vs. actual Monitoring actual performance to planned target goals Financial reporting Prepare annual operating budget Review of Vendor Contracts Maintain chapter General Liability insurance coverage Prepare tax filings Ensure annual audit occurs Propose policies and procedures for governance and accountability Recommends investment strategy
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 12 Director of Membership Member Retention Member Registration Membership Satisfaction Surveys Membership Survey New Member Orientation PDU Governance and Ownership General Chapter FAQ’s Volunteers: Recruitment, Training, Recognition
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 13 Director of Programs
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 14 Director of Executive Outreach
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 15 Director of Professional Development PMP Certification Training Professional Development RFP Process for new educational offerings
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 16 Director of Information Technology Website vendor management BoD document repository Advisor to NCPT PMI BoD technology initiatives Management of Technology contracts
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 17 Director of Communications Publicity: Via newsletters, chapter website, blasts, chapter meeting announcements, marketing* Liaison to the news media * Including PM Network Magazine
BoD Roles and Responsibilities 18 Secretary Documenting Meeting Minutes, Creating Meeting Agendas Official updates of Chapter By-Laws to GOC Purchase name tags, business cards, etc. for Board Members, as required. Update contact lists, and BoD bios for chapter website.
BoD Meeting Proposed Rules of Conduct Board meetings are for status reporting, BoD updates and decision making through motions and votes. If needed, offline meetings via web, conference call or face to face will be used to discuss issues to prepare for BoD meeting motions and votes, etc. Meetings will start and stop on time. Members must punctual and ready for business. There will be a prepared agenda circulated for BoD review 5 calendar days prior to the meeting. Meeting agendas and/or reports must be sent 3 business days prior to the meeting, as well as updates or proposed changes to the agenda. Professional conduct is required: – One person will speak at a time. – Side conversations should be avoided. – Agree to disagree; – Express differences in opinions without judgment or attacking; – Avoid rambling; we will observe the “ELMO” rule; when “Enough has been said, Let’s Move On.” 19