POLAND Designed by Małgorzata Palonek
inhabitants Situated in the north-eastern part of Pomerania and at the foot of Chełmska Hill, 15 km from the Baltic Sea Located on 83 sq kilometers (ca 32 sq miles) Called „a green city” because of beautiful parks and green areas around it Lots of sightseeing opportunities
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Holy MaryThe Main Post Office Neo-Gothic Building Miller’s Palace Jamno Culture Open Air Museum
in The Pomeranian Dukes Parkor on Chełmska Hill
The school is student-friendly, modern and safe. It provides ample opportunities for personal development and full realisation of our students' potential in the contemporary world.
The school has existed since 1945 More than students have graduated from the school in the past 65 years.
Economics Vocational Secondary School Course duration: 4 years Occupation: technician in economics Trade Vocational Secondary School Course duration: 4 years Occupation: technician in commerce Vocational Secondary School Course duration: 4 years Occupation: technician in providing gastronomic services Vocational Secondary School Course duration: 4 years Occupation: technician in hotel management Profiled Lyceum Course duration: 3 years Economic-administrative profile Basic Vocational School Course duration: 2 years Occupation: cook
Graduates Accounting offices Banks Catering HotelsTrading companies Manufacturing companies and services Budget units
85 teachers including: 41 board certified 29 appointive 14 contractual 1 trainee 30 teachers are certified examiners of the school leaving exam and the exam confirming vocational qualifications