Presented by: Warren Coble Certified Senior Advisor
Medicare Federal program Social Security Earned benefit from working Medicaid State program Social Services Needs based benefit depends on income and assets
Over 300 Different plans available in NC in 2013 Like everything these days, … such a wide variety. Make personal choice decisions based on: Coverage needs Cost you can afford Convenience of use
The unknown parts: How sick are you going to get? How often will you use it? How will costs rise in the future? If we had a crystal ball, we’d know the right decision to make every time. We don’t, so we have to make the best decision now based on the facts we have now.
1. Age 65 2. Disability for 24 months 3. End-stage kidney failure 4. Lou Gehrig’s Disease Have acquired sufficient work credits (40 quarters = 10 years)
Receiving Social Security check? Enrolled automatically & premiums deducted If not receiving Social Security, must apply up to 3 months ahead & premiums billed
Individuals turning age 65 who are NOT currently covered by Employer Group Health Plan based on ACTIVE employment
Retiree coverage offered by employer is voluntary on their part and is subject to change – Supreme Court ruling in 03/2008 COBRA does not count for Medicare enrollment period purposes
Compare employer cost/coverage (premium/deductible/co-pay/oop max) to Medicare cost/coverage If your cost/coverage are reasonable, better off with employer coverage while working If high cost ($250 month+) or only partial coverage (high deductibles/co-pays) may be better with Medicare/Supp/Advantage
Parts of Medicare A – HospitalC – Advantage B - Medical D - Rx Standardized A & B Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 Mandated “Choices” & RX coverage
- Original - Medicare A & B usually go together, can add D (Managed by federal government) - Advantage - Medicare C alternative to A & B, may or may not include part D (Managed by private insurance companies)
See SHIIP Combo Form
A – Hospital Insurance *Inpatient hospital/nursing home/hospice *Usually no premium (earned by paying Medicare tax while working) *$1184 deductible – per hospital stay Up to 60 days of inpatient coverage (Deductible waived on re-admission within 60 days) *Skilled nursing facility (short term only) – Days 1-20 in full (Special Requirements) - Days Medicare pays all but $ day *Hospice – Palliative care, including Rx *Home Health Care
B – Medical Insurance Outpatient hospital/physician care/medical equipment Standard premium $ (2013) (higher for higher incomes) $147 deductible per calendar year, then 80% Medicare/20% recipient co-pay Based on “approved” charges
Not Covered By Medicare Or Supplement: Long term care Vision or dental care Hearing aids Eyeglasses Private duty nursing
Stand alone with original Medicare Included with an advantage plan Stand alone with an advantage plan
See COMBO form D – Rx prescription drug coverage Operated by private companies Premium Deductible 5 Words: Co-Pay Gap Catastrophic
1 – Premium$ $ 2 – Deductible$ You pay 100% 3 – Initial coverage limit $ Includes deductible $ Co pay period Part D pays 75% up to $ You pay 25% of $ ($661.25) 4 - Coverage gap$ Discounts: 52.5% brand, 21% generic $ (deductable + 25 out of pocket % + gap) 5 - Catastrophic95/5%
Annual preview period September 15–October 15 Assistance available to choose appropriate plans Open enrollment October 15 - December 07 Changes effective January 1 each year
Work with Original Medicare to fill in “gaps” Cannot buy but one at a time. Standardized/Regulated by N. C. Dept. of Insurance Offered by individual companies Will not work with Part C/Advantage
Depending on Plan type chosen, designed to pay out of pocket expenses (deductibles, co- insurance, and co-pays) not paid by Medicare See Plans Chart (SHIIP Combo Form) Changed June 1, 2010 Gone - Plans E, H, I, J - New M, N 42 Plan “F” companies in North Carolina
Pricing method is important!!! No-age rated Issue-age-rated Attained-age-rated Price ranges from $ $ for Plan F (most common), 43 plan average is $ Find out company history/stability Discounts can confuse true cost
Guaranteed renewable as long as premium is paid Can never be cancelled due to health/excess use Premiums will go up!!!! Changing plans re-sets the starting age, often resulting in higher premiums
Medigap Open Enrollment Period: Starts 1st day of month you are both age 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B. Continues for 6 months. Can apply up to 6 months in advance to have timely coverage at 65
During open enrollment, cannot be denied coverage, regardless of health Some companies apply pre-existing condition limitations up to 6 months Deferring Medicare/Supplement to keep employer coverage will result in higher Supplement cost later
SEE GOLD SHEET Includes all benefits of regular Medicare Hospital and medical coverage Premiums/deductibles/co-pays vary by plan May include extra benefits Vision, dental, hearing, gym membership Not standardized Not regulated by N. C. Dept. of Insurance (CMS) Usually have a varied maximum out-of-pocket limit
4 Basic plan types: 1. HMO – Health Maintenance Organization (in network) 2. PPO – Preferred Provider Organization (out of network) 3. SNP – Special Needs Plans 4. PFFS – Private Fee for Service
Inpatient hospital ◦ Per day co-pay $ $ per DAY Surgery usually included in in-patient costs Usually a limit on # of days you pay Plans vary on yearly maximum out of pocket
Skilled nursing facility Extremely varied co-pays Days $0 - $ per day Depends on plan and type Not accepted at all facilities
Medical/doctor’s services Varied co-pays $10-$35 Primary care physician $10-$50 Specialist Verify your doctor/hospital will accept 30% % Out of network ! Each plan is different!
Prescription drug (Rx) May or may not be included If not included, cannot buy stand-alone Usually standard drug plan guidelines
Original Medicare - $ (IRMMA) Supplement – varied, $ $ average for Plan F $ month Part D Rx – varied, $ $ average $35.00 per month Advantage – varied, from $0 to $ per month
See Road To 65 Initial, General, Special Enrollment periods IEP – 3 months before, month of, 3 months after 65 Eligibility date depends on when you sign up GEP – January – March each year, coverage begins July 1 SEP – Any time while covered by employer group health plan (cannot be during IEP) Up to 8 months after employer group terminates
Check options 4-6 months ahead of age 65. If keeping employer coverage, check again 2-3 months before leaving employment.
If eligible, and you need Medicare, failure to enroll timely can result in delays in coverage and costly premium penalties. Although Cobra protects your Medigap/Supplement Enrollment period, it does not protect you for a Medicare Special Enrollment Period.
Warren Coble & Associates SHIIP – MEDICARE –