Please Rebecca by the Monday of the meeting week (4 th Monday of month) regarding your attendance. She needs this to order food and so we can have appropriate print outs available without wasting paper Beginning August 2016, Agendas and Minutes should be printed from the or off the website prior to coming if you want them. Most people are not taking these with them following the meetings. We will have a limited amount available on meeting day in case you forget to bring a copy.
Please be on-time if possible. While we generally give people a few minutes to arrive, we do not want to waste people’s time waiting for late individuals 80% of meetings must be attended by your facility to receive the reimbursement for your time. You are allowed 2 call-ins per year Mileage reimbursement is for one vehicle from your facility. This is reimbursed at the federal rate
Please place electronic devices on vibrate. Pagers, Phones, etc. If you get a call, feel free to step out If you need to speak to a fellow attendee during the meeting, please do so in a manner considerate of your neighbors If you have a question or comment during the meeting, please introduce yourself with name and organization to help the new members and people on the phone know who’s speaking
If you feel the time has come to change committees, this is your opportunity to do so. If your committee has a question, Tyler will attempt to answer as quickly as possible. If your committee has completed all work for the day, please let one of the RHPC’s know so we can gauge when to start report outs.
Decon Equipment: Please set up twice a year. This can be practice, exercise, real world event, community event, or other. If practicing or exercising, please contact Coalition Staff, we like to observe and interact with our partners. We expect competency in setting these up. Communications: Please test your redundant communications systems from the Command Center for internal and external communications. For Hospitals at the mid-and high-levels at the FSE, part of our regional objectives will be to send and receive communications from three different sources. Other Coalition equipment: please use as possible. Obsolete Equipment: Please contact Rebecca