Tier 2 & 3 External Coaches Network Meeting Location Meeting Time October, 2012
Meeting Agenda Introductions and Grounding Activity (PLEASE SIGN IN) Coaching Skill (Thoughtful and Reflective Questioning) Review 6 levels of interventions & percentages Teaming Model with Agendas Teaching and Learning for district-level capacity & sustainability External Coach-led Internal Coach mtgs on-sight school-based team mtg Open networking time
Grounding Activity At your table, discuss what is where your building is with tier 2/3 What is working well? What needs tweaking? Share with large group
Coaching Skills Thoughtful and Reflective Questioning was covered in the Tier 1 N200 Review these questions How could they be helpful as your coaching tier 2/3 interventions?
Coaching for Capacity Building Illinois State Board of Education
Readiness for Tier 2/3? Remember to check the website for the Tier 2/3 readiness documents If your ready for S , T200, T , your district would submit the readiness documents to your TAC. TAC’s will follow up and confirm next steps with your district
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Check-in Check-out (CICO) Individualized Check- In/Check-Out, Groups & Mentoring (ex. CnC) Brief Functional Behavioral Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex FBA/BIP Wraparound ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Illinois PBIS Network, Revised August 2009 Adapted from T. Scott, 2004 Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Intervention Assessment
What questions do you have? Use flipchart paper or whiteboard to capture questions from the room… CICO SAIG CICO with ind. Features/mentoring Brief FBA/BIP Complex FBA/BIP Wraparound Wraparound/RENEW
For Review: Data-Based Decision Making Numbers to Keep in Mind 7-15%: Percent of total population expected to need and be supported by Tier 2 interventions 1-5%: Percent of total population expected to need and be supported by Tier 3 interventions 70%: Percent of youth (receiving intervention “X”) that should be responding to intervention Data-based Decision-Rules for ‘determining response’ must be defined Data sources defining response are efficient Ex. Daily Progress Report (DPR) cards: Student maintains an 80% average on DPR for 4 weeks
TEAMING The point of reviewing the teaming structure is to: 1.Check for understanding 2.Plan for training needs 3.Discuss the use of the agendas for tier 2 systems conversations, problem solving meetings and tier 3 systems conversations. 4.Begin discussing family and agency involvement
3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) CICO SAIG Group w. individual feature Complex FBA/BIP Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Brief FBA/ BIP Brief FBA/BIP WRAP Secondary Systems Team Plans SW & Class-wide supports Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Standing team; uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Sept. 1, 2009 Universal Team Universal Support
Teaming at Tier 2 Secondary Systems Planning ‘conversation’ Monitors effectiveness of CICO, S/AIG, Mentoring, and Brief FBA/BIP supports Review data to make decisions on improvements to the interventions Individual students are NOT discussed Problem Solving Team ‘conversation’ Develops plans for one student at a time Every school has this type of meeting Teachers and family are typically invited
Secondary Systems Team Roles Team Leader: responsible for agenda & facilitation of meeting Intervention Coordinators (CICO, S/AIG community agencies who may be providing or facilitating interventions, etc.): report out on aggregate student data from interventions they facilitate (ex. “50 youth in CICO, 40 are responding”) Action Plan Recorder: a.k.a. note taker Time Keeper: Family Representative: CICO Facilitator: adult who checks students in and out in the morning and afternoon
Community-based Service Agencies: How can they contribute? Participate as member of systems team and/or problem solving teams. Contribute to Social/Academic Instructional Groups development and/or facilitate S/AIG’s. ( ex: DPR and classroom generalization techniques.) Useful resource for community-based service linkage and referrals. Skill-based clinicians can contribute to BIP techniques. Provide trainings and individual teacher support. (ex: homelessness, trauma, communication techniques, classroom management, etc..)
Activity Have participants move into small groups and address one of the following two points and then share out: 1.Discuss the use of the agendas for tier 2 systems conversations, problem solving meetings and tier 3 systems conversations. 2.Begin discussing family and agency involvement
Systems Response Tool Review the following tool Share at your table your thoughts: What are the strengths of this tool? What questions do you have about this tool? How do you or how could you use the SRT?
Teaching and Learning Examples Teaching and learning examples are a way to document and share your successes with data. Key Features Examples Disproportionality Gap Shrinks for African American Students Decrease in ODRs and OSS While Gains Are Made in Student Achievement TA TOPIC
1.Identify educational entity (school/district, co-op) and indicate level of implementation (ex: third year of PBIS implementation) and/or Tier 2 2.Indicate ‘problem’ being addressed (ex: disproportionate office referrals for ethnic students) 3.Indicate decision rule(s) used to put student(s) into specific intervention(s) 4.Describe evaluation tool(s) and data used to assess/measure progress (BoQ, TIC, SAS, SSS) Key Features of Teaching and Learning Examples
Brainstorming your own T/L example… Think: individually, reflect from the grounding activity what you excited about, jot down the data you know or the data you need (2 minutes) Pair: turn to a shoulder partner Share: Share you idea with your partner and ask for feedback, other ideas you might include, etc. Reverse
Activity Discuss how you could use a data stories at the: District Level Building Level Family Level Community Level
Networking Teaching & Learning Example Teams, please model & guide practice or present example Presentation from the Field Teams, please facilitate presentation as appropriate Reveal & Steal Teams, please facilitate sharing as appropriate
Calendar Items & Updates Upcoming trainings Teams, please insert upcoming trainings in your area/statewide Upcoming events Teams, please insert upcoming events in your area/statewide Next meeting dates Team, please insert next meeting dates in your area Register for trainings online
Share out one step you will take when you return to your district as a result of today’s network meeting. Closing Activity
Materials Tier 2 Systems Meeting Agenda Tier 3 Systems Meeting Agenda Problem Solving Meeting Agenda Systems Response Tool