M EDICARE B ENEFITS AND UPDATES FOR 2012 Senior Health Insurance Program
W HAT IS SHIP? S enior H ealth I nsurance P rogram Established in 1988 Free Medicare Counseling Program Sponsored by the State of Illinois Illinois Department of Insurance Does not sell or solicit insurance Dedicated to educating people with Medicare SHIP trains volunteer counselors throughout Illinois Provide one-on-one counseling With Medicare Beneficiaries, family members and caregivers Through community based sites
M EDICARE Medicare has four parts Part A – Hospital Insurance Part B – Medical Insurance Part C – Medicare Advantage HMO, PPO, PFFS, SNP, and MSA Also know as Managed care Part D – Prescription Drug Coverage Medicare Supplement Insurance Not to be confused with secondary insurance Original Medicare
P ART A – C OVERED S ERVICES Inpatient Hospital Care Skilled Nursing Facility Care Home Health Care Hospice Care
P ART A C OSTS FOR I NPATIENT H OSPITAL S TAYS 5 For each benefit period in 2012 You Pay Days 1-60$1,156 deductible Days 61-90$289 per day Days $578 per day (60 lifetime reserve days) All days after 150 All Costs
P ART A C OSTS FOR S KILLED N URSING F ACILITY C ARE For each benefit period in 2012 You Pay Days 1-20$0 Days $ per day All days after 100All Costs
P ART B – C OVERED S ERVICES Medical Expenses Home Health Care Outpatient Hospital Services Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
2012 P ART B A MOUNTS Part B Annual Deductible - $140 Part B Monthly Premium 06/22/ DRAFT Medicare Current Topics If your income is $85K or less and you paid this in 2011 You pay this in 2012 $96.40, $110.50, $115.40$99.90
I NCOME -R ELATED P ART B P REMIUM Part B premium income thresholds Frozen at 2010 levels through /22/ DRAFT Medicare Current Topics If your Yearly Income in 2010 was In 2012 You Pay* File Individual Tax Return File Joint Tax Return $85,001–$107,000$170,001–$214,000$ $107,001–$160,000$214,001–$320,000$ $160,001–$214,000$320,001–$428,000$ above $214,000above $428,000$ *Higher if you have a late enrollment penalty
M EDICARE P ART C Medicare Advantage (MA) Provided through private insurance companies Offered through HMO, PPO, PFFS, MSA an SNP Must offer all services covered under Medicare Part A and Part B May be able to offer extra services May include Drug Coverage No need to have a Supplement plan Must live in plans service area Must follow plans guidelines for coverage
M EDICARE P ART D Began in 2006 Offered by private companies contracted with Medicare to provide prescription drug coverage Available to anyone enrolled in Medicare Part A and/or Part B Coverage offered Stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) As part of a Medicare Advantage Plan (MA-PD)
MORE A FFORDABLE P RESCRIPTION DRUGS Discounts for % discount on brand-name drugs and 14% discount on generic-drugs during the donut hole. Elimination of the Donut Hole by 2020 Your cost-share should be approximately 25% during the plan year.
S PECIAL P ART D C O - PAY S TRUCTURE NEW FOR 2012 For dual eligibles receiving Home and Community Based Waiver Services (HCBS) $0 co-pay for prescriptions Similar to co-pay structure for duals in a nursing home Must keep dual eligible status NEW
H OME AND C OMMUNITY B ASED W AIVER S ERVICES There are 9 HCBS programs in Illinois: Includes DRS Home Services Program Includes Department on Aging Community Care Program
H OME AND C OMMUNITY B ASED W AIVER S ERVICES C ONTINUED HCBS “status” works like Medicaid dual eligible status If you have HCBS enrollment in any month of the year, you get $0 Part D co-pays for the rest of the year If you have HCBS enrollment in July or later, you get $0 co-pays for the following year Must keep the dual eligible status Most people will have the waiver program and be a dual eligible as waiver programs now count toward meeting spend-down
E NROLLMENT P ERIODS Annual Open Enrollment Period Oct. 15 th – Dec. 7 th, 2011 Join, switch, or drop Plan effective Jan. 1, 2012 Dual eligibles have continuous enrollment options throughout the year Special Enrollment Period Special circumstance that allows you to enroll outside the normal time frame
A NNUAL E NROLLMENT P ERIOD E XTENDED Elections may be made through December 10 AEP extended to advocates such as SHIP, MIPPA grantees, ADRCs, and the Aging Network During enrollment use code AEP2012
M EDICARE A DVANTAGE D ISENROLLMENT P ERIOD (MADP) Begins Jan. 1 and end Feb. 14 each year May disenroll from Medicare Advantage Plan (MA Plan) or from MA-Prescription Drug Plan (MA-PD) May NOT enroll into another MA plan during MADP May return to Original Medicare May choose a Part D plan regardless if moving from a MA-only or a MA-PD New plan choice effective the first day of the following month
I NITIAL E NROLLMENT P ERIOD Seven-month period when a beneficiary is entitled to enroll into Medicare Part A, B, D and/or C Starts 3 months prior to eligibility month (3) Includes the month of eligibility (1) End 3 months after the eligibility month (3) Referred to as the 3 – 1 – 3 rule
S PECIAL E NROLLMENT P ERIOD (SEP) FOR THOSE LOSING ‘CURRENT’ EGHP SEP begins when beneficiary’s primary status in an Employer Group Health Plan ends Eight month period beginning with the first month employment is no longer ‘Current’ Coverage in EGHP could be from a spouse Enroll in Medicare Part B at this time to avoid late enrollment penalty Avoid part D penalty by enrolling in a part D plan no later than 63 days after employment ends
M EDICARE G ENERAL E NROLLMENT P ERIOD Begins Jan. 1 and ends March 31 of every year May enroll into parts A and/or B Coverage effective date is July 1 of same year For those who must pay premiums for Medicare Part A This could include those who declined Part B and now wish to enroll Penalties for late enrollment usually apply
M EDICARE P REVENTIVE S ERVICES Implemented January 1, 2011 Elimination of Part B Deductible and Coinsurance You pay nothing for most preventive services When a doctor or health care provider accepts assignment Example: Bone Mass Measurement In 2010 you pay 20% after Part B deductible In 2011 you pay no deductible or copay
P REVENTIVE S ERVICE – C OST The amount you pay varies and depends on whether you get your Medicare benefits through Original Medicare (fee-for-service); or Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO, PPO, etc) Some services are completely free
M EDICARE P REVENTIVE S ERVICES ….. CONT. Physical Exams “Welcome to Medicare” physical exam A one-time exam available to new Medicare beneficiaries within first 12 months of Medicare Part B enrollment Annual “Wellness” Exam Available to beneficiaries who’ve been enrolled into Medicare Part B for more than 12 months
Medicare-covered Preventive Services Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening A one-time screening ultrasound for people at risk. Medicare only covers this screening if you get a referral for it as a result of your one-time "Welcome to Medicare" physical exam. Before January 1, 2011, you pay 20% of the Medicare- approved amount. Starting January 1, 2011, you pay nothing for the screening if the doctor accepts assignment. Bone Mass Measurements Helps to see if you are at risk for broken bones. This service is covered once every 24 months (more often if medically necessary) for people who have certain medical conditions or meet certain criteria. Before January 1, 2011, you pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies. Starting January 1, 2011, you pay nothing for this test if the doctor accepts assignment Cardiovascular Screening Helps detect conditions that may lead to a heart attack or stroke. This service is covered every 5 years to test your cholesterol, lipid, and triglyceride levels. No cost for the tests, but you generally have to pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the doctor's visit. Flu Shots Helps prevent influenza or flu virus. Generally covered once a flu season in the fall or winter. You need a flu shot for the current virus each year. No cost to you for the flu shot if the doctor or other health care provider accepts assignment for giving the shot. Note: Medicare Part B also covers administration of the H1N1 flu shot. You pay nothing if your doctor accepts assignment for giving the shot. Glaucoma Test Helps find the eye disease glaucoma. Covered once every 12 months for people at high risk for glaucoma. You are considered high risk for glaucoma if you have diabetes, a family history of glaucoma, are African-American and age 50 or older, or are Hispanic and age 65 or older. An eye doctor who is legally authorized by the state must do the tests. You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies for the doctor’s visit. In a hospital outpatient setting, you also pay the hospital a copayment
Medicare-covered Preventive Services Hepatitis B Shots This is covered for people at high or medium risk for Hepatitis B. Your risk for Hepatitis B increases if you have hemophilia, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), or a condition that increases your risk for infection. Other factors may increase your risk for Hepatitis B, so check with your doctor. Starting January 1, 2011, you pay nothing for the shot if the doctor accepts assignment. HIV Screening Medicare covers HIV screening for people with Medicare who are pregnant and people at increased risk for the infection, including anyone who asks for the test. Medicare covers this test once every 12 months or up to 3 times during a pregnancy. You pay nothing for the test, but you generally have to pay the doctor 20% of the Medicare approved amount for the doctor’s visit. Breast Cancer Screening (Mammograms) Medicare covers screening mammograms once every 12 months for all women with Medicare age 40 and older. Medicare covers one baseline mammogram for women between ages 35–39. January 1, 2011, you pay nothing for the test if the doctor accepts assignment. Medicare Nutrition Medical Therapy Service Medicare may cover medical nutrition therapy and certain related services if you have diabetes or kidney disease, or you have had a kidney transplant in the last 36 months, and your doctor refers you for the service. Before January 1, 2011, you pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies. Starting January 1, 2011, you pay nothing for the test if the doctor accepts assignment Pap Test & Pelvic Exams (includes clinical breast exams) Medicare covers these screening tests once every 24 months, or once every 12 months for women at high risk, and for women of child-bearing age who have had an exam that indicated cancer or other abnormalities in the past 3 years. No cost to you for the Pap lab test. Starting January 1, 2011, you pay nothing for Pap test specimen collection, and pelvic and breast exams if the doctor accepts assignment.
Medicare-covered Preventive Services Pneumococcal Shot Helps prevent pneumococcal infections (like certain types of pneumonia). Most people only need this preventive shot once in their lifetime. Talk with your doctor. No cost if the doctor or supplier accepts assignment for giving the shot. Prostate Cancer Screening Medicare covers a digital rectal exam and Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test once every 12 months for all men with Medicare over age 50 (coverage for this test begins the day after your 50th birthday). You pay 20% of the Medicare- approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies for the doctor's visit. You pay nothing for the PSA test. In a hospital outpatient setting, you also pay the hospital a copayment. Smoking Cessation Includes up to 8 face-to-face visits in a 12-month period if you are diagnosed with an illness caused or complicated by tobacco use, or you take a medicine that is affected by tobacco. You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies. In a hospital outpatient setting, you also pay the hospital a copayment. Note: Medicare coverage of smoking cessation counseling is now considered a covered preventive service if you haven’t been diagnosed with an illness caused or complicated by tobacco use. Starting January 1, 2011, you pay nothing for the counseling sessions. Diabetes Screening These screenings are covered if you have any of the following risk factors: high blood pressure (hypertension), history of abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels (dyslipidemia), obesity, or a history of high blood sugar (glucose). Test may also cover if you have two or more of the following ; Are you age 65 or older, or are you overweight, or have a family history of diabetes (parents, siblings), or have a history of gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), or did you deliver a baby weighing more than 9 pounds. Based on the results of these tests, you may be eligible for up to two diabetes screenings every year. No cost for the test, but you generally have to pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the doctor's visit.
Medicare-covered Preventive Services Colon Cancer Screening (Colorectal) Colorectal cancer is usually found in people age 50 or older, and the risk of getting it increases with age. Medicare covers colorectal screening tests to help find pre- cancerous polyps (growths in the colon) so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. Treatment works best when colorectal cancer is found early. One or more of the following tests may be covered. Fecal Occult Blood Test — Once every 12 months if 50 or older. You pay nothing for the test, but you generally have to pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the doctor’s visit. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy — Generally, once every 48 months if 50 or older, or 120 months after a previous screening colonoscopy for those not at high risk. Starting January 1, 2011, you pay nothing for this test if the doctor accepts assignment. Colonoscopy — Generally, you can get this procedure once every 120 months, or 48 months after a previous flexible sigmoidoscopy. If your doctor says you’re at high risk, you can get it every 24 months. There’s no minimum age required for you to get a colonoscopy. Starting January 1, 2011, you’ll pay nothing for the procedure if your doctor accepts assignments. Barium Enema — Once every 48 months if 50 or older (high risk every 24 months) when used instead of a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. You pay 20% of the Medicare approved amount for the doctor’s services. In a hospital outpatient setting, you also pay the hospital a copayment.
M EDICARE P RESCRIPTION D RUG C OVERAGE P REMIUM Higher income individuals pay a higher Part D premium Uses same thresholds used to compute income- related adjustments to the Part B premium As reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago Must pay if you have Part D coverage 06/22/ DRAFT Medicare Current Topics ACA
I NCOME -R ELATED A DJUSTMENT TO P ART D P REMIUM 06/22/ DRAFT Medicare Current Topics If your Yearly Income in 2010 was In 2012 You Pay File Individual Tax Return File Joint Tax Return $85,000 or below$170,000 or belowBase Premium (BP) $85, – $107,000$170, – $214,000BP + $11.60 $107, – $160,000$214, – $320,000BP + $29.90 $160, – $214,000$320, – $428,000BP + $48.10 $214, or higher$428, or higherBP + $66.40 ACA
U SE M EDICARE. GOV FOR RESOURCES Top 7 Services on Medicare.gov Find out what Medicare costs in 2012 Find health and drug plan, compare and enroll! Apply on-line for Medicare now Find out if Medicare covers your tests, items, services Get Extra Help with prescription drug costs Find out how Medicare works with your other insurance Get a new Medicare card Link to MyMedicare.gov
R ESOURCE AND P UBLICATION SHIP Medicare Supplement Premium Comparison Guide Medicare Medicare & You 2012 handbook TTY Social Security Administration “Extra Help” application Dept on Aging - (Illinois Cares Rx)