BLACK HILLS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSYEMS CHANGE COLLABORATIVE MISSION : Build a sustainable model in which a broad and diverse range of stakeholders, including funders, take ownership of problems and work collaboratively to influence change.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES from Provide the community with options for a person in crisis other than involuntary admission to inpatient psychiatric care, detoxification services or incarceration. a. Develop a fully operational 24/7 Crisis Center 2. Improve access to after-crisis follow-up and mental health and substance abuse treatment. a. Implement community case management b. Provide intermittent professional care until provider availability. c. Provide easily accessible mental health/substance abuse services. Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES from Improve service integration and coordination among agencies and providers to help patients better navigate complex systems. a. Develop integrated demographic and client needs assessment and care plans. b. Conduct regular networking meetings among service providers. Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
DIRECT SERVICE COMMITTEE AGENCIES REGULARLY ATTENDING: Provider groups: BMS, CSS, LSS, YFS, City County Alcohol/Drug Rapid City Regional Hospital ER and Behavioral Health Community Health of the Black Hills Cornerstone Mission and the HOPE Center Rapid City Police and Sheriff’s Departments Pennington County Health and Human Services & States Attorney VA programs Teri Corrigan, Crisis Care Center Coordinator; Facilitator
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES from Improve awareness about and access to services to assist people in entering the health care system for mental health and substance abuse services prior to the crisis state. a. Evaluate access to services. b. Implement Community Education Plan. c. Develop Public Policy Plan to better align regulatory and funding policy. d. Identify training needs for agencies to implement systems change. Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Service Needs Assessment: The Collaborative contracted with the Chiesman Center in 2012 to develop a survey to obtain data from the six Black Hills counties to: 1. determine awareness of agencies and services 2. identify service gaps Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Service Needs Assessment: Access Have health insurance85% Have mental health coverage Yes47% No 7% Don’t know32% No response14% Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Service Needs Assessment: Access How Find Service? Top 4 responses Physician19% Phone Book15% Friend or relative14% Internet13% Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Service Needs Assessment: Access Reason for not receiving a needed service – top 4 responses Cannot afford22% Stigma/Embarassed19% Other15% Don’t want anyone to know13% Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Needs Assessment: Awareness of Providers Out of 17 choices of agencies/providers; Non-profit as well as general physician/private provider. I DO NOT KNOW34% AVAILABLE BUT NOT TO ME15% Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Community Education Resource Development: TV Commercials developed to provide awareness about behavioral health providers and the Crisis Care Center linked to 211 Helpline. Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Community Education Resource Development: 211 Trend Data : 61 people accessed the Behavioral Health Directory 25 people mentioned the TV ads (unprompted) Out of 92,539 online data base searches, mental health/substance abuse top keyword in Black Hills and 942 phone requests for information 14.2% compared to National average 5.4% Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Community Education Resource Development: TV COMMERCIALS Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Community Education Resource Development: Black Hills Behavioral Health Resource Guide Helping Hand Emergency Resource brochure Crisis Care Center Brochure Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES Community Education Resource Development: Resources are also included on various websites: Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
IMPROVE AWARENESS ABOUT AND ACCESS TO SERVICES TRAINING CIT training for law enforcement of over 120 officers Mental health first aid Parents4Parents training on mental health and juvenile justice systems Suicide prevention Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
COLLABORATIVE STEERING COMMITTEE Steve Allender, Rapid City Police Chief Jim Castleberry, Executive Director Cornerstone Rescue Mission Rita Haxton, Vice President Patient Care Rapid City Regional Hospital Don Holloway, Pennington County Commissioner Karen Romey, Administrator Pennington County Health and Human Services Alan Solano, CEO Behavior Management Systems Kevin Thom, Pennington County Sheriff Tim Trithart, CEO Community Health of the Black Hills Sandy Diegel, Executive Director of John T. Vucurevich Foundation; Facilitator Black Hills Behavioral Health Collaborative
COLLABORATIVE’S PRIORITIES FOR 2013 AND BEYOND Develop a Youth Crisis System Expand Community Case Management beyond CCC clients Consider replicating more San Antonio Haven of Hope programs – –shelter/housing – –medical detox – –homeless services coordination Develop a Sustainability Plan for the Crisis Care Center and related services/programs Continue focus on CIT training for law enforcement and expand training to paramedic and EMTs Continue training needed for systemic change Black Hills Human Services Systems Change Collaborative
HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? The Black Hills Human Services Systems Change Collaborative is open to anyone interested in our mission and system’s change priorities: Build a sustainable model in which a broad and diverse range of stakeholders, including funders, take ownership of problems and work collaboratively to influence change. Black Hills Human Services Systems Change Collaborative
YOUTH CRISIS SYSTEM Possible Components to establish in the short term Intensive Family Services ARYSE Reception and Shelter Reporting Center Long Term…….? Black Hills Human Services Systems Change Collaborative
TODAY AT MAIN STREET SQUARE Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention Day Sponsored by: