International Meeting Youth for Innovation Lublin, November 2006 Session 1 Presentation of projekt implementation in Weser-Ems (DE) Weser-Ems
activities Phase of acquiring schools and universities for participation in the project; by the business development of the 16 counties and cities Project presentation to interested teachers and professors: framework curriculum, guideline for funding of mini R&D - projects Training for participating teachers and professors: project management, macro sequence for school instruction Implementation of the curricula, find a project idea, prepare a project application Submission of the project application May – July July, 6th Sept., 13th Sept. – Dec. until Dec., 15th
macro sequence for education target group: grammar school, class 11 amount: 22 school lessons character of modules (variability in grade of complexity and time budget): modul 1: introduction in the subject of innovation modul 2: introduction in the subject of project management modul 3: planning a project until project application Proposal for a combination of phases of innovation management and project management methods: brainwriting, group puzzle, case study editor mission deepen the frame curriculum develop an assistance for the teachers for education systematic University of Oldenburg sector of pedagogy
macro sequence for education case study material planning of the education course starting sequence “innovation” sequence “group puzzle” sequence case study “Welcome to Oldenburg” appendix to the case study material for the case study assistance for teachers competition “Welcome to Oldenburg” aim: help for foreign students starting in Oldenburg task: develop a concept for a brochure
participating schools and universities / polytechnics (preliminary info) 1-2 schools in the 16 administrative districts and 5 cities 23 schools 4universities / polytechnics mostly several projects per school/university participants school types 8 general schools 15 vocational schools 4 universities / polytechnics
mentors on the website 27 mentors mainly business developers representing all sectors (relevant for Y4I) in function to transfer the student groups to an adequate mentor e.g. in the sector of tourism / Oldenburg: manager of the tourist information Oldenburg environmental technologies Lublin: board advisor in an enterprise of waste disposal IT / Oldenburg: manager in a service enterprise for knowledge transfer between science and economy agriculture: manager of the institute of nutrition technology mentors sectors
project ideas on the website 20 project ideas tourism (6), mechanical engineering (4), nutrition (4), IT (3), agriculture (1), environmental technologies (1), general (1) e.g. in the sector of tourism: developing a new system of signage leading to the tourist office in Oldenburg mechanical engineering: noise reduction for cooling units IT / Oldenburg: development of a website for the energy cluster of OL agriculture: ideas for new products of regional food nutrition: marketing for special German food in the Netherlands project ideas sectors
example for a tourist project “Groningen as visitor in Oldenburg” – Guideline for young Netherlands people in the age of years to visit Oldenburg search for the attractions of young people arrange and analyse a public opinion poll in Groningen and Oldenburg develop a flyer to inform young Netherlands people about offers in Oldenburg and make propositions for their stay (shopping, accommodation, gastronomy, daily activities, night life) City Management Oldenburg / Institution for promoting the city / 250 members theoretical introduction: project and innovation management planning phase realisation phase presentation subject activities project procedure mentor Application of a vocational school, submitted in November 2006
problems and solutions Problems to find schools to participate in the project: lack of time and teachers mainly vocational schools participating with project work on their agenda Problems to realise the interregional aspect: project ideas – e.g. given from the mentors and referring to the mentors needs - don’t include the exchange with the neighbouring region find a special solution for the project: e.g. no direct contact but research Application form is not conform with the inputs of the guideline Application should be revised to approach the guideline (content is more important than form and number of pages) Available (full) budget per project was not requested funding of several projects within one school / class Projects are not innovative Proposition of adding aspects / work packages