Making Electricity.  A generator takes mechanical energy (movement) and turns it into electrical energy.  A generator makes electricity by turning a.


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Presentation transcript:

Making Electricity

 A generator takes mechanical energy (movement) and turns it into electrical energy.  A generator makes electricity by turning a magnet inside a coil of wire. That is what makes electricity. Electricity is Made inside a Generator

 Fossil fuels are non-renewable.  Fossil fuels are burned to heat water and produce steam.  This steam is used to turn a turbine. Most Power Plants Burn Fossil Fuels

 Nuclear power plants do not burn fossil fuels.  To create heat, uranium atoms are split in a process called fission.  This heat is used to turn a turbine. Nuclear Power Plants

 There are other ways to make electricity without creating heat.  Wind Power: The movement of the wind (mechanical energy) is used to turn the magnet in the generator.  Solar Power: The sun’s heat turns directly into electricity using solar cells.  Hydroelectric Power: Using the movement of water (mechanical energy) is used to turn turbine. Alternative Energy Sources

Wind Energy

 Batteries also make electricity  They store energy inside of them (chemical energy).  The chemical energy turns into electrical energy when a current is creating by touching each pole of the battery to metal. Batteries