ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. What is alternative energy?  From permanent natural processes,  Reliable,  Main feature:  permanence and high energy potential,


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Presentation transcript:


What is alternative energy?  From permanent natural processes,  Reliable,  Main feature:  permanence and high energy potential,  Most of it comes from solar radiation.

Renewable energy in Slovenia

Types of alternative energy


Energy production  All the water hydropower is being generated in the generator powered by a water turbine.  Water is supplied to the turbines which power a generator that converts the hydropower to electricity.

Types of hydroelectric power plants  Flowing power plant  Pumped storage power plant  Power plants for tide and wave energy extraction

The Francis Water Turbine - simulation

Pumped storage power plant AVČE


 The biological material derived from the living or recently living organisms.  The decomposed organic material that is exploited as an energy source.  It is constantly produced during the photosynthesis. What is biomass ?

Types of biomass  Hard biomass (briquettes, wood chips, pellets)

Types of biomass  Liquid fuels from biomass (bioethanol, biodiesel)

Types of biomass  Biogas

Biomass use  Heating

Biomass use  Electricity production

Biomass use  Vehicle fuel


What is solar energy?

 Passively (heating living areas through glass surfaces)  Actively :  building and sanitation water heating  generation of electricity  building cooling Uses of solar energy in buildings


Wind Wind energy

Wind turbines convert kinetic energy of the air (wind) into work and then into electric energy


 Produced and saved in the Earth‘s interior  We use it directly from the warm water vents, steam vents or by cooling hot stones.  In Slovenia 79 wells.

Sources  neobnovljivi-viri-energije neobnovljivi-viri-energije  biomasa/index.html biomasa/index.html  energija/Obnovljivi-viri-energije/Vrste-obnovljivih- virov/Son%C4%8Dna-energija energija/Obnovljivi-viri-energije/Vrste-obnovljivih- virov/Son%C4%8Dna-energija       