Web-based Cooperative Teacher Education in Information and Communication Technology The Project eL3 eLearning and eTeaching in Teacher Pre-and In-Service.


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Presentation transcript:

Web-based Cooperative Teacher Education in Information and Communication Technology The Project eL3 eLearning and eTeaching in Teacher Pre-and In-Service Education Peter Gorny University of Oldenburg - Laboratory for Multimedia-Supported Teaching D Oldenburg www-cg-hci.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de

Page 2Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 Approximately 75 % of all teachers in Germany (> 700,000) do not use a computer for teaching or preparation of teaching material. Only 5 % use computers in the classroom. Only 2 % use the internet in the classroom. (Estimated by Federal educational administrations, 2000) The Federal organization of the school system leads to a great diversity – and little influence for the Ferderal government. But singular Federally funded projects might help a little..... eL3 The present situation

Page 3Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The objectives Development of a system of distance education courses for teacher education pre-service = teacher students in-service = professional teachers for all school subjects for all school types general schools special schools vocational schools For all school levels Primary (grades age: yrs.) Lower Secondary (grades age: yrs.) Upper Secondary (grades age: yrs)

Page 4Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The background of the project partners The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research because of the experiences preliminary projects in the consortium : Erlangen: MENON Multimedia Educational Network MESO Multimedia Educational Software Observatory Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern Oldenburg: LIF Lehrerweiterbildung im Fernstudium Informatische Grundbildung PLUTO Project to Link Universities and Training Organisations in an European Teacher Training Network MuSIK Medien-unterstütztes Studium der Informatik Dozentenweiterbildung Multimedia in der Lehre RION Rechtsinformatik online INVITE Intuitive Mensch-Technik-Interaktion, Teilprojekt ZIB Zugang zum Internet für Blinde

Page 5Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The pedagogical concept Awareness of New Media (media competence) Learning by Doing: Direct application of New Media in each school subject Technical skills are not presented separately and in advance, but in direct context with classroom content (method: special web-based training modules for those who lack some special skills) The web-based material has to be completed with other material to be retrieved from the internet or other sources One task for to be solved cooperately in each group at the end of each content unit. (Self-organized, open, active learning)

Page 6Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The methodological concept (1) A hybrid approach to distance education: Web-based learning material – hypertext-based, highly interactive with embedded applets (simulations / animations) Direct contact to the lecturer Personal tutorial contact in small groups (max. 5 persons – preferably in one school district – with regular F2F-meetings) Discussion forum for each group and for each course Chatroom for each group Database with glossary, bibliography, expert addresses etc.

Page 7Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The methodological concept (2) Support functions communication CooperationCoodination Virtual Bulletin Boards Hypertextsystems Editoren for groups Workflow Management- Tools Source: Stefanie Teufel1995 Video-Conference Chat

Page 8Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The methodological concept (3) F2F-group work is an important component of the courses: discussions in the plenum

Page 9Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The methodological concept (4) F2F-group work is an important component of the courses: working in small groups on assignments

Page 10Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The technical basis The course material is embedded in the learning platform Hyperwave-Learning Suite which offers the necessary funcionality, especially also the groupware functions. The course material is developed by content authors who use the scripting language LML (Logical Markup Language), developed in Oldenburg on the basis of XML. The fast Internet access is provided by the universities Erlangen and Oldenburg and by the regional school networks.

Page 11Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The content (1) The learning material contains examples of direct applications of ICT in the various schools, specialized for each school subject. A given content is analyzed, methodological requirements are derived and an appropriate medium / method is derived and transferred into a technical form.

Page 12Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The content (2)

Page 13Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The content (3)

Page 14Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The practical realization With a staff of 11 full-time developers and additionally 15 teachers on a part-time basis the material will be developed within 2,5 years. the first courses will start in Spring 2002, each with approx. 30 participants (test phase) the completed course system will go public in Spring 2003 and will give access for approx. 30,000 teachers within two years.

Page 15Peter Gorny – Workshop DETECH – Maribor – 13 Sept 2001 The eL3 project consortium Universität Erlangen FIM Psychologie Dr. Walter Kugemann Universität Oldenburg Mediendidaktische Arbeitsstelle und Lernwerkstatt für multimediales Lehren im Didaktischen Zentrum Prof. Dr. Peter Gorny und Prof. Dr. Hilke Günther-Arndt and many co-workers.....