Molecular orbital theory Overcoming the shortcomings of the valence bond
Learning objectives Describe basic principles of MO theory Write MO diagrams for some simple diatomic molecules Explain optical and magnetic properties of O 2 using MO theory
Shortcomings of valence bond The orbitals still maintain atomic identity Bonds are limited to two atoms Cannot accommodate the concept of delocalized electrons – bonds covering more than two atoms Problems with magnetic and spectroscopic properties
Molecular orbital theory: wavefunctions revisited The wave function describes the path of the electron – Ψ A (has no real physical meaning) Wave functions have phase – indicated by “+” and “-” Approach of atoms causes overlap of orbitals + adds to + (constructive interference); + subtracts from – (destructive interference)
Wavefunctions and electron density Ψ describes the electron path Ψ 2 describes the electron density Molecular wavefunction Ψ A + Ψ B Joint density is (Ψ A + Ψ B ) 2 = Ψ A 2 + Ψ B 2 + 2Ψ A Ψ B In molecular orbital the density is greater between the nuclei by an amount 2Ψ A Ψ B
Molecular orbital theory: bonding and antibonding Bonding orbital: additive combination of atomic orbitals Antibonding orbital: subtractive combination of atomic orbitals In antibonding orbital there is no density between the atoms The antibonding orbitals are at higher energy
MO energy level diagrams: H 2 exists but He 2 does not In H 2 two electrons are paired in the bonding σ MO, and the antibonding σ* MO is vacant. Total number of bonds = 1 Configuration (σ 1s ) 2 In He 2 four electrons are paired, two in the bonding and two in the antibonding σ* Total number of bonds = 0 Configuration (σ 1s ) 2 (σ* 1s ) 2
Bond order Bond order = ½(no. bonding electrons – no. antibonding electrons) Bond order 1 = single bond Bond order 2 = double bond Bond order 3 = triple bond
Second row elements Li 2 contains 6 electrons Bonding σ orbitals between 1s and 2s Antibonding σ* orbitals between 1s and 2s Occupied: σ 1s,σ 2s, and σ* 1s Bond order = 2 – 1 = 1 Does Be 2 exist?
Formation of π orbitals in MO Defining the internuclear axis as z Overlap of the p z orbitals produces σ bond Overlap of p x and p y orbitals produces π bonds
General energy level diagram for second-row homonuclear diatomics Assumes no interaction between the 2s and 2p orbitals 2s orbitals are lower in energy than the 2p orbitals. The σ 2s and σ* 2s orbitals are lower than the σ 2p orbital Overlap of the 2p z is greater than that of the 2p x or 2p y so σ 2p is lower than the π 2p orbital The π 2p and π* 2p are degenerate (2 orbitals with the same energy)
2s - 2p interactions affect energy levels The 2s and 2p orbitals do interact σ 2s and σ 2p orbitals move further apart in energy Strength of interaction changes with atomic number Case A: σ 2p < π 2p Case B: σ 2p > π 2p
Filling the orbitals: the second row diatomics B 2, C 2, and N 2 are case B O 2, F 2 and Ne 2 are case A Note bond order from MO theory matches what we obtain from Lewis dot diagrams
MO theory and magnetism Paramagnetism: substance is attracted by a magnetic field Diamagnetism: substance is repelled by a magnetic field Paramagnetic effect is much greater than diamagnetic effect Diamagnetic substances have no unpaired electrons Paramagnetic substances have unpaired electrons
Magnetic properties of O 2 expose limitations of Lewis MO theory gives two degenerate π and π * orbitals In O 2, Hund’s rule states that these are singly occupied O 2 is paramagnetic
Correlate magnetic properties with MO diagram
Heteronuclear molecules and NO NO contains 11 electrons implies high reactivity Two possible Lewis structures Lewis structure favours unpaired electron on N Experimental bond order appears greater than NO 00 NO
MO description of NO AOs of more electronegative atom are lower in energy The bonding orbitals have more of the more electronegative atom character The antibonding orbitals have more of the less electronegative atom character MO diagram shows bond order 2.5 consistent with experiment Unpaired electron is in π* orbital which is more N-like (consistent with Lewis dot structure