Step 2
Who are the Competitors? Internet Speculative Fiction Database-this site is the closest to my own. I plan to make something that is functionally similar, but more efficient and aesthetically pleasing. I plan to make but a sample of a bigger site. Fantastic Fiction-Another database site that I plan to draw off of when making my site. Wikipedia-Wikipedia is a competitor because they have pages on fantasy fiction, so a person who wants to learn more about the genre could go to Wikipedia to learn. Wikipedia isn’t peer reviewed, and doesn’t always go in depth, making it a problematic resource for students and scholars alike.
Common Site Navigation Elements and Look/Feel Both Wikipedia and Fantastic Fiction have the website’s name at the top center of the page. ISFD has a list of author’s born on the current day right on the home page. The search bar is small and is located on the left side of the page. Wikipedia just has their logo, the language selection, and the search bar on the home page. Fantastic Fiction has a search bar at the top of the page, and a list of current and upcoming titles on the bottom half of the page.
Audience Specifics The audience is primarily students and scholars of fantasy literature, along with avid readers. With that being said, everyone will have access to the database, so anyone could use it.
Personas Persona 1-Robert Johnson, PhD, is a professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh. He is 41, owns a MacBook Pro that he uses consistently, and enjoys writing poetry in his free time. He has a minor injury to his left wrist that makes typing difficult for him, though. He can be short tempered at times, and thus doesn’t give a website a chance if it seems difficult to navigate.
Personas (Part 2) Persona 2-Jack Davis-Jack is a 23 year old aspiring fantasy writer who is finishing up college. He has some ideas for a novel that he wants to write, but is in need of inspiration and ideas to really pick the project up off the ground. He is a millennial, so he is very computer savvy. Jack does suffer from ADHD, which has affected his performance at school and work throughout his life. He also has a part-time gig as a travel writer, so he is constantly on the move, though he always has his trusty laptop with him.
Audience Language -The audience will probably be using more serious and professional language, since a lot of the people using the site are academics and professionals. It is important that entries and pages have a factual and professional tone to make the users trust the information that they are receiving.
Goals and Tasks on the Website -Users need to be able to quickly find information on a specific fantasy author or text. Users will be able to browse through a list of author names and story titles, or they can search for something specific. (I'm also playing around with the idea of linking pages to the book or collection on, thus giving the site a consumer function) I’m also going to have links to different critical articles related to a given text on the text’s page
Website Content Categories Main Page: Header, main navigation, body of content (I’m thinking like an author of the day section), browse menu, search bar Browse Page: Alphabet Search Results Page: Will show up to five search results at a time. Results will show the name of authors and/or texts Content Pages: Will have title or name at the top of the page, and the entries will look similar to Wikipedia pages Header, main navigation, browse menu, and the search bar will appear on all pages
Step 3
User Stories Robert Johnson, PhD, is working an essay for the journal Fantasy Literature Review titled “Views of Race in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings,” and needs to find criticism on The Lord of the Rings. He needs to find two more articles on the text, and is running out of time. The essay is due in two weeks, and Dr. Johnson is having a hard time finding articles discussing The Lord of the Rings and race.
User Stories Jack Davis is working on a sword and sorcery fantasy novel, and is looking to draw on Sword of Shannara and The Dark Elf Trilogy for plot ideas for the novel. He needs to print out plot summaries, and maybe even use a critical article or two to see if he is following proper genre tropes.
Website Map Home Page HomeSearchBrowse Main Navigation Content-Author of the Day
Website Map Search Search Bar
Website Map Browse By Author NameBy TitleBy Subgenre This button opens up a page with an alphabet on it. When you click a letter, you go to a page with authors whose last name begins with the letter. This button opens up a page with an alphabet on it. When you click a letter, you go to a page with texts that begin with the chosen letter. This button opens up a page with various subgenres, such as “magical realism” and “high fantasy” on it. When you choose a subgenre, you are taken to a page with texts and authors of the chosen subgenre.
Website Map Entry Title Content (Wikipedia Style) If you like this author/text, then you might also like__. After searching and finding a specific text or author, they are brought to this page. If they click this button, they are taken to the page of the recommended author/text.