ISLAM Closer to Judeo-Christian tradition than to any of the great religions of Asia – Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism
ISLAM and JUDAISM Shared belief in a divine law that regulates all aspects of human activity. That includes food – kosher and hillel
Abraham Founder of monotheism Had a wife – Sarah, God promised them child Sarah was too old to have a child so she told him to have a child w/ Hagar, their servant Abraham had two sons- Ishmael w/ Hagar and Isaac w/ Sarah
Isaac and Ishmael God promised Abraham and his family all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates Rivers Arabs claim their ancestry to Ishmael Jews claim their ancestry to Isaac This is one of the reasons for the Arab – Israeli conflict
Abraham’s family tree Hagar – Abraham - Sarah Ishmael Who is Abraham’s rightful heir? Isaac
ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY Belief that they alone are the custodians of God’s final message to humanity Their duty is to bring it to the rest of the world. Shared heritage of Jewish revelation and Greek philosophy and science, influence of ancient Middle East. Belief in prophets, single God For most of their history, they have been locked in combat.
DIFFERENCES Separation of church and state in West Islamic society is both a political state and a religious community. God is highest authority Mohammad died as a successful leader and conqueror; Jesus died as an outcast and martyr; Moses died before reaching the Promised Land. No priesthood in Islam. Koran is not a collection of books, it is a single book by a single author. No certainty of personal salvation.
SUNNIs Means “path of the Prophet” Almost 90% of all Muslims Believed Mohammad’s successor should be chosen from within community (umma) Many sects and divisions.
SHI’A or Shi’ites Believed Mohammad’s successor should have been chosen from among his family. Earliest leaders, Hussein and Ali, were murdered – tradition of martyrdom. Big in Iran, southern Iraq, Bahrain, and parts of Lebanon and Syria.
SH’IA Practices Imams, mullahs and ayatollahs Imam is a spiritual leader, a descendant of the prophet (or sharif) Shi’ites revere holy figures, allow images of martyrs and ‘saints’