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Walk Like An Egyptian Ancient Religion Civilization 2 Points 4 Points 6 Points 8 Points 10 Points 2 Points2 Points2 Points2 Points 4 Points4 Points4 Points 6 Points 8 Points 10 Points 6 Points 8 Points 10 Points Hebrews And Stuff More Mesopotamia
The center of a Mesopotamian City-state
What is a ziggurat
This Akkadian king established the 1 st Empire in history
Who was Sargon
This king of Uruk served as the model for Mesopotamian kings (as well as having an epic named for him)
Who was Gilgamesh?
The type of government where a god rules (perhaps through his appointed king)
The first Civilization
What is Sumer?
The pharaoh more famous for his undisturbed tomb than his life
Who was Tutankhamen?
The pyramids were built during this time
What was the Old Kingdom?
Akhenaton switched this god to Aton, sometimes Aton-this
What is Ra?
The pharaoh’s right hand man, responsible for running Egypt
What is a vizier?
A family of rulers whose right to rule is passed on through the family (through inter- marriage) is called this
What is a dynasty?
Apart from the alphabet the Phoenicians were known for this
What is sailing?
King David moved his capital city here
What is Jerusalem?
Israel was split into two kingdoms during his reign
Who was Solomon?
He got the Israelites out of Egypt
Who was Moses?
Abraham’s two sons who didn’t get along so well
Who were Ishmael and Isaac?
One god
What is monotheism?
The basis for the Israelites code of conduct
What are the 10 commandments?
These heavenly beings were part of which two religions
The spokesmen for god in the Hebrew religion
What are prophets?
This god takes care of the pharaohs and serves as a messenger
Who is Horus?
A slave system might fit in this aspect of Civilization
What is social structure?
The Egyptians maintained the purity of their royal lines (government) through this practice
What is incest (inter-marriage)?
The Sumerians had cuneiform for writing, the Egyptians had this
What are hieroglyphics?
Hammurabi and Moses might best fit within this aspect
What is government/laws?
Persia’s religion was not really monotheistic or polytheistic but more this
What is dualistic?
He was the ugly creature sent to kill Gilgamesh
Who/What is Enkidu?