Journal literature - Search and supply – Dr. Astrid Behrends


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Presentation transcript:

Journal literature - Search and supply – Dr. Astrid Behrends

Overview Information supply in Germany Search of journal literature –ORBIS Advanced search –OOZB Description and functions of the database Main menue Profile –GVK Plus Advanced Search Interlibrary loan and document delivery service –National information search KVK Subito

Information supply in Germany Local: University Library Oldenburg Catalogue: ORBIS (Oldenburger Regionales Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem)ORBIS Contains also the collection of the Landesbibliothek and the University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg Regional: GBV (Common Library Network) Federation of libraries of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia and Foundation of Prussian Heritage in Berlin contains more than 767 academic, public and research institute libraries within the territory of the GBV Most important participant: TIB Hannover (German National Library of Science and Technology and the related basic sciences)

Information supply in Germany Regional: GBV – Catalogue (s. overview GBV databases)GBV databases GVK GBV Union Catalogue This bibliographic database covers over 49.3 million separate catalogue entries of books, conference proceedings, periodicals, dissertations, microfilms and electronic resources. GVK+ GBV Union Catalogue with Online Contents This bibliographic database covers all records of the GBV Union Catalogue and articles of scientific periodicals of Online Contents indexed together. GVK-PLUS covers additional million articles from over 18,500 scientific periodicals beginning with the year of publication They are supplemented weekly with the tables of contents of more than 2,600 periodicals from Special German Collections.

Information supply in Germany National: other library networks (Hebis, KOBV, HBZ, BVB, BSZ) Catalogue: KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog)KVK

Search of Journals in ORBIS ORBISORBIS - Advanced Search

Search of Journals in ORBIS Holding statements

Search of journals in OOZB OOZBOOZB (Oldenburger Online Zeitschriftenbibliothek) contains 33,118 journals on different subjects contains the journals of the EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek) and the journals of the database Online Contents (v. GBV) allows the access to electronic documents, table of contents as well as to abstracts allows the direct ordering of documents via interlibrary loan and document delivery service respectively after personal registration: offers an individual list of your favourite journals offers an alerting service

Search of Journals in OOZB OOZB

Search of journals in OOZB - Search of a journal - Subject list of journals - Limitation - of journals with an access to the electronic documents for members of the university of Oldenburg - of journals with table of contents and the possibility to order a document

Search of journals in OOZB

Via traffic light and the EZB to the abstract

Search of journals in OOZB

Search of journals in OOZB - link to OLC

Profile in OOZB OOZB

Profile in OOZB -Profile: List of your favourite journals -Alerting service

Profile in OOZB

Account data for interlibrary loan and Document delivery service

Search of journals in GVK-Plus GBVGBV - Databases

Search of journals in GVK-Plus

Truncation with *!

Search of journals in GVK-Plus

Interlibrary loan or Document delivery service GBVdirect?

Interlibrary loan and Document delivery service GBVdirect GBV Interlibrary loanGBV direct Start GVK GVK+ OLC via OOZB GVK GVK+ OLC via OOZB Delivery time Not determinedStandard service: 72 h Express service: 24 h Price 1,50 (up to 20 pages)Standard service: 4,00 Express service: 10,00 – 15,00 depending on delivery form Way of delivery per mail to the libraryper mail, , fax or FTP to your office Conditions Interlibrary loan coupons (for members of the IRAC avaible for free in the library in Wechloy) 1. Registration as a customer 2. Customer number and password Supplying library Automatically determineddeterminable Negative Confirmation Order is forwarded automatically to the next library Order has to be sent to a further library in new operation Delivery Service Library to libraryLibrary to Customer

Interlibrary loan

Document delivery service GBVdirect

Interlibrary loan and Document delivery service GBVdirect

National information search KVK KVK (Karlsruher virtueller Katalog) KVK is a Meta-catalogue, to search library- and book trade catalogues worldwide Containg more than 75 million monographs and periodicals

National information search Document Supply out of GBV Subito Customer registration is required Same suppliers as in GBVdirect, addtional the ETH Libraries Zürich, Austrian Central Library for physics and the library of the univerisity of medicine Vienna Same delivery time and same prices Different search mask Red charge card (red form for Interlibrary loan)