Teacher /Mentor Tips Lois Walton 1RM BEST 2012
Helpful Resources Helpful Information at the BRI (BEST Robotics, Inc) website Coaches Survival Guide Participants > File Manager > Public Files > Survival Guide Helpful information at the Rocky Mountain BEST website Look under Team / Mentor Resources 2RM BEST 2012
3 Organizing A BEST Team Carefully read the rules and the technical data. Review the construction materials allowed. Designate a key person and assistant for each of the following areas: Game Rules Robot tasks and strategy Joystick and CORTEX Microcontroller Batteries and Chargers Mechanical/Structural systems Materials Documentation BEST award components Double duty may be necessary. Read the rules and technical data again. RM BEST 2012
Organizing a BEST Team Determine which members of the Teacher / Mentor team can help with which skills Who understands the Engineering Process Who can help students create Engineering Notebook Who has shop skills Who can help with presentation skills for marketing presentation for BEST award … etc. 4RM BEST 2012
5 Build & Follow A Schedule RM BEST 2012
6 Follow the Engineering Process Define the Problem Read the Rules Determine All Requirements Research Similar Designs Inventory Resources Available Brainstorm Strategy and Design Possibilities Evaluate the Strategies & Design Approaches Analyze Several Alternative Solutions Select Strategy & Preliminary Design Configuration Accomplish Detail Design Build Prototypes if Necessary Build & Test Modify if Necessary & Retest Document Process & Decisions (Don’t wait until end!) Deliver Product RM BEST 2012
Engineering Process The Engineering Process is an important part of the BEST program Be sure students understand and follow it! Be sure the Notebook does a good job of documenting that they followed the process! 7RM BEST 2012
Brainstorming Approaches Can be used for the Robot as a whole For parts of the Robot Grabber Power Train For attributes Constraints Goals Requirements Functions For Strategy For Notebook For BEST Award components – presentation and booth 8RM BEST 2012
Brainstorming Approaches Must live within the design space Review brainstorming rules before beginning See page 43 of Survival Guide Let the Creativity Flow Don’t let the team marry the first idea Beware of “you / we can’t…” “you / we have to…” 9RM BEST 2012
Decision Matrix One method to choose between ideas that came from brainstorming See page 44 of Survival Guide for process Narrow down to ~5 best ideas Come up with Factors that will help you make the decision Create the Matrix and fill in the values 10RM BEST 2012
Gallery Method Can be used in small or large groups to develop design alternatives Each member sketches a design idea All sketches are posted Every member can comment on any idea 11RM BEST 2012
6-3-5 Method One way to begin generating Design Alternatives 6 team members 3 ideas each (described in words or pictures) 5 team members review each design idea No discussions during the process Can be modified to N – 3 – (N-1) 12RM BEST 2012
Function-Means Tree shows means for achieving primary functions…and the fallout. IGNITE LEAFY MATERIAL S Electrically Heated Wire Apply heat to leafy materials Generate electric current Wall-outlet- based system Battery-based system Control electrical current Convert chemical energy to electrical current Store electricity Convert electricity to heat Miniature heat pump Resistiv e wire Protect users from post- usage burns Focuse d Sunlight LaserFlame Store fuel Control flame Ignite fuel Spark Electrical resistance Protect electric current from flame Generate electric current Supply fuel for flame Butane Gasoline Function Means 13RM BEST 2012
Drawings of Components Refer to page 46 of survival guide Create drawings and record in Engineering Notebooks For components For robot For strategy if helpful 14RM BEST 2012
BEST Award Refer to page 54 of survival guide for some ideas Refer to Score sheets to get idea of what Judges will be reviewing Participants > File Manager > Public Files > Awards and Judging Use same brainstorming, etc to work on these components as you used for robot 15RM BEST 2012
Safety Keep your team safe – teach them safety rules and make sure they follow them! Learn some ideas from Survival guide page beginning page 50 Have them pass a safety test in order to get a card allowing them to work with the tools (idea from one of you(!) at TMI) 16RM BEST 2012
17 Teacher / Mentor Roles Students will gain the most if THEY do the work! Teachers and Mentors should provide guidance only Demonstrate Skills Teach the Engineering Process Help them with group decision making process Teachers / Mentors should not Make any of the parts Design any of the parts Try to sell your ideas to students RM BEST 2012
Tips from 2011 Coaches Open Discussion Tips from Teachers from 2011 Teams What do you think will help new teachers / mentors How did you organize? What worked / What didn’t? 18RM BEST 2012
Teacher / Mentor Tips Use each of your student’s skills / creative abilities! HAVE FUN! GOOD LUCK! 19RM BEST 2012
Teacher /Mentor Tips 20 Lois Walton RM BEST 2012
21 Final Words Read the Rules And Technical Data again! RM BEST 2012