Economics Project By Emma Weidig, Sam Myers and Ned Bishop
Our Life/Quick Summary: Two income family (both teachers) earning $70,000 each for a GROSS INCOME of $140,000 Son in college (University of Rhode Island) Own two cars: 2008 Volkswagen Jetta and a 2000 Volvo Station Wagen Live in a house in Rhode Island valued at about $350,000 NET INCOME of $99, 222 Left over money after all expenses and necessities: $8, 798
Food Groceries: $7,382 (yearly costs purchased at Stop and Shop) Eating out and take out: $2,210 per year Coffee and other snacks: $780 per year Total: $10,372
Food Chart
Clothing Kohls. Son’s Clothing: $390 Husband’s Clothing: $500 Wife’s Clothing: $700 Total: $1,590
Taxes Deductions: 401K= $7,200 Married Couple = $11,600 Federal Taxes: $27,478 State Taxes: $7,420 Social Security: $5,880 Total: $40,778 Gross Income: $140,000 Net Income: $99,222
Housing Live in Middletown, RI $350,000 house. Payed $60,000 down payment. $1246 mortgage every month. Utilities (heat, water, electricity, internet, cable, phone): $7140 Occasional maintance: $500 We don’t have landscaping. Total: $29,260
Transportation 2008 Volkswagen Jetta and 2000 Volvo Station Wagon Car payments only on Volkswagen Jetta Both drive to work. Fuel: $2,600 per year Insurance: $1,600 with All State Total: $6512
Healthcare Work covers 80%. We only have to pay 20%: $3,800 a year. Plan by Blue Cross Blue Shield. No vision problems. Dental=covered by insurance. Deductibles: $50 Over the counter drugs (purchased at CVS): $40 Co-pays for doctors visits. $10 copay. 2 visits per family member: $60 Total: $3,960
Healthcare Chart
Leisure Yearly vacation with the Bahamas with the son: $3,000 Hobbies/Activities: $1280 book club for wife, gym membership for both, movie nights etc. Total: $4,280
Savings/Investments 401K Retirement Plan: $7,200 per year General Savings: $5,000 for misc. or emergencies College Fund. University of Rhode Island: $20,000 Total: $32,000
Personal Expenses Health and beauty supplies bought at CVS: $40 a month Life Insurance: $560 We send our son $100 a month for help with college supplies and food. Total: $2,250
The Big Picture
Follow Up Left over income: $8,789 25% of our income was put into savings (however that includes college payments for our son) ^^^^ We were very cheap for a lot of things. Example: no landscaping and only $50 spent on gifts all year. Average income in the United States as of 2010: $49,445 We are well above average. Poverty threshold for one person: $11,139 Poverty threshold for three person home=our scenario: $17,374