T HURSDAY, J ANUARY 8, 2015 Turn in your brain / neuron diagram on the front counter. Get a text book, paper, & something to write with.
LEQ: H OW IS THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ORGANIZED ? Read p. 229 On your paper, answer “How is the nervous system organized, STRUCTURALLY?” Read pgs Answer, “How is the nervous system organized, FUNCTIONALLY?”
C OMPARE ANSWERS W / THE PEOPLE IN YOUR ROW ( JUST THE 3) If your answers are different, figure out why
S TRUCTURALLY Central Nervous System (CNS) = brain & spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) = all other nerves
F UNCTIONALLY ( REALLY ONLY APPLIES TO PNS) PNS has Sensory / afferent nerves that carries impulses TO a central location and motor / efferent nerves that carries impulses AWAY PNS then divided into somatic & autonomic divisions Somatic = voluntary or consciously controlled Autonomic = involuntary or automatic
A UTONOMIC HAS 2 PARTS Sympathetic – functions during times of stress; fight-or-flight Parasympathetic – allows us to “unwind”
ON YOUR PAPER, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING … If you were being attacked by a bear, what division(s) of the nervous system would be involved?
CNS M ATRIX Read pgs On the back of your CNS matrix, tell what the 4 lobes of the brain are & the major functions of each
M ONDAY, J ANUARY 13, 2014 Turn in your homework on the front counter Phineas Gage pt. 1 Phineas Gage pt. 2
P OST - VIDEO QUESTION What part of Phineas Gage’s brain was injured and how did it affect him?
N ERVOUS S YSTEM G UIDED R EADING N OTES Do on same sheet of paper as Phineas Gage Question Do NOT write on my paper Do not take my copies home