Aim: to create a student led website to support a successful transition to Higher Education Art and Design study To be a friendly, accessible place to share knowledge, tips and ideas about living and studying in London Background commonplace launched July 15 th 2011 To promote a more visible and vibrant UAL student community
Pre arrival info ttPre arrival info thhh Getting AroundGetting by Study TipsTalking Heads Join In
how students can get involved By answering one of our monthly Calls for content By contacting us with an idea or suggestion By going directly to the website and uploading content By becoming a *commonplace champion By answering a commonplace project brief as part of their course (we need tutors on board for this bit!) *commonplace champion role; spreading the word, steering future developments and getting involved in commonplace events
How you can help to develop commonplace Tell your students about it Get in touch with a project idea or be open to suggestions! The best content is often work that students are already producing on their course Get in touch with links and existing material we can publish on commonplace Add the link and logo to your signature and correspondence Include commonplace on admissions and registry information The Big Map at Chelsea, an example of an in-course project for commonplace
future developments Swap shop Aim to become a student led and coordinated website more International PG And Study Tips resources
MyArts student portal Quicklinks >Get sorted A-Z menu Last menu tab on SUarts website and front page graphic Bottom tab on main website Open Day presentation slides And here: Blackboard Facebook and Twitter And coming soon sharing the Showtime button on MyArts Google search> front page Where to find
Thanks! Siobhan Supporting student transitions project coordinator (CLTAD)