JUDAISM Where Founded Southwest Asia, Fertile Crescent When Founded 4000 BC Oldest surviving monotheistic religion Important teachings and Beliefs Monotheistic 10 commandments Prayers Still awaiting Messiah(savior)
JUDAISM Holy Books(Old Testament) Torah First five books of Bible According to Torah it is considered disrespectful to spell out the Deity (G_D) in full Talmud Record of Rabbinic discussions pertaining to Jewish laws, ethics, customs, and history
JUDAISM Important City Jerusalem Major Groups Orthodox Jews Adheres faithfully to the principles and practices of traditional Judaism Conservative Jews Modern denomination of Judaism that arose in the United States in the early 1900’s Reform Jews Largest denomination of Jews More liberal in their thinking about Judaism
JUDAISM Founders/Prophets/Important People Abraham, Isaac and Jacob(name changed to Israel) Twelve Tribes(Sons of Israel) Moses David, Solomon Languages Hebrew Percent of followers in the world 2%
STAR OF DAVID The Magen David (shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David ) is the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism
IMPORTANT DAYS Hanukkah Sabbath Yom Kippur Passover
CHRISTIANITY Where Founded Southwest Asia, Jerusalem When Founded 2,000 years ago Stems from Judaism Jesus was a Jew Christians claim he is the Messiah(Savior)
CHRISTIANITY Important Teachings Monotheistic Salvation Jesus died on the cross as a payment for sin Resurrected to offer hope of eternal life Trinity of God God the Father Jesus, son of God The Holy Spirit HOLY BOOK The Bible Old Testament New Testament
CHRISTIANITY Important Cities Jerusalem Vatican City (Rome) Important Groups Roman Catholic Make up the largest group of Christians Protestant Represents a diverse group of theological and social perspectives, denominations, individuals and related organizations Would include Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptist, Methodist, Charismatics, and Disciples of Christ. Eastern Orthodox Body of Christians that claim origins directly back to Jesus and his apostles Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and Abyssinian (Ethiopian) Orthodox
CHRISTIANITY Founders/Prophets/ Important people Jesus Abraham 12 Apostles Apostle Paul Augustine Martin Luther John Calvin Languages Hebrew Greek Latin Percent of Followers in the world 32% Largest in world
WHO IS ABRAHAM? The history of the Jewish people begins in Bronze Age times in the Middle East when God promised a nomad leader called Abram that he would be the father of a great people if he did as God told him. Jews regard Abraham (as he was later called) as the first Patriarch of the Jewish people. Abraham was the first person to teach the idea that there was only one God; before then, people believed in many gods. Ironically, Abraham's father, Terach, had made his living selling idols of various gods.
WHO IS MOSES? Over a thousand years after Abraham, the Jews were living as slaves in Egypt. Their leader was a prophet called Moses. Moses led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt and led them to the Holy Land that God had promised them.
MUSLIM Where Founded Southwest Asia Mecca, Present day Saudi Arabia Medina, Saudi Arabia When Founded 613 AD Important Cities Jerusalem Mecca Medina
MUSLIM Important Teachings Five Pillars of Islam Monotheistic God is called Allah Holy Book Qur’an Contains both versions from the Bible and the Torah Sharia A tradition of rulings that touch on virtually all aspects of life and society
MUSLIM Moral code is derived from the Five Pillars Faith Believe in on God-Allah Prayer Pray five times a day(facing Mecca) Fasting During the month of Ramadan Zakah Giving alms to the poor Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca
THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM Muhammad said five pillars held up the building of Islam: 1.Testimony of Faith - “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.” 2.Prayer: - 5 times a day(facing Mecca) 3.Charity: Zakah - 2.5% of Muslim income goes to the needy, mosques, etc 4.Fasting - During Ramadan, no eating during the day 5.Hajj: - Travel to Mecca at least once in lifetime, if physically/financially able.
MUSLIM Founders Muhammad Abraham Languages Arabic Percent of followers in the world 25% 2 nd largest in the world
THE HAJJ The Fifth Pillar of Islam Pilgrimage to Mecca 3-6 days of rituals and prayer Focus is on the Ka'ba, the holiest shrine and supposed first house of mankind. Pilgrims are called “hajji” Not to be used as a derogatory word Women may not go without men.
RAMADAN Ramadan - the most important holiday Ramadan - the most important holiday Muslims fast from sun up till sundown during the month of Ramadan Muslims fast from sun up till sundown during the month of Ramadan Ramadan celebrates Muhammad receiving the Qur’an from Allah Ramadan celebrates Muhammad receiving the Qur’an from Allah
Islam spreads despite major geographic barriers including mountains and deserts. Is at first spread along the major trade routes to Mecca and Medina. Arabic language facilitated trade and intellectual activities. Arabic was the language of the Koran Therefore, all Muslims could communicate in Arabic. Traders thus spread the religion and other ideas as they traded.
SECTS OF ISLAM Two Major Sects: Sunni Shi’a (Shiite) Sunni approx 90% of Muslims Believe successors to Muhammad should be chosen by the community Do not believe in intermediary (middle-man) between Allah and people. Shi’a (Shiite) approx 10% of Muslims Think Muhammad’s successor should be his relatives Believe in an intermediary called an Imam Those with religious authority should rule govn’t too.
OTHER BELIEFS Islam Emphasizes: Tolerance, Humility, Justice, generosity, obedience to law, and courage. Islam Forbids the consumption of: Pork (pigs believed to be unclean) Alcohol
INTELLECTUAL AND ARTS INFLUENCES Religious Art and Architecture – The Mosque is at the heart of Islamic art A Mosque is the place of worship for Muslims.
RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES Sunnis Believe Muslim leadership passes to caliphs elected from Muslim families Support rule of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman Believe every individual has a direct relationship with Allah Shi’as Believe that leadership is limited to descendants of Muhammad Reject rule of first three caliphs Feel that imam provides a spiritual link to Allah Accept Muhammad as God’s final prophet Believe that the Qur’an contains the word of Allah Use the 5 Pillars of Faith as a guide for proper behavior
ISLAM CLOSE TIES TO CHRISTIANITY Believe that Both Abraham and Jesus were prophets Islam is the last religion of the Abrahamic Religion Muhammad is the last prophet in the long line of prophets
SIMILARITIES OF ALL THREE All connected to parts of Bible Monotheistic Abrahamic-Recognizes Abraham as Patriarch (father ) Consider Jerusalem to be Holy