Collaborative School Committee
General Outline Composition 4 parents 2 teachers 1 classified 1 business employer or community representative 2 students in high school 1 principal Principal Leads meetings, creates meeting agenda Note taker Keeps notes, types them up, gives to Kaci Sintek to post on website
CSC Meeting Items Budget Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) Community Relationship Building Student Concerns Special Events Planning Principal’s Annual Evaluation Discipline and Safety Procedures School Calendar School Design
Budget Staff Hiring Information Payment for courses Fees for extra opportunities (e.g. fieldtrips) Budgeting for special activities Financing educational and facility materials For what might we try to budget in the future? Long term-planning (e.g. programming, staffing, etc.)?
Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) c?key=0ArxRjjeF__4JdEdoTVhDdENXcjhTe mxTNmlNZU56T3c&usp=sharing#gid=2 c?key=0ArxRjjeF__4JdEdoTVhDdENXcjhTe mxTNmlNZU56T3c&usp=sharing#gid=2 How can the CSC help the school reach these UIP goals?
Community Relationship Building Business Relationships Volunteer Organizations Marketing Relationships All other relationships that add to student success and school growth What personal or work relationships do you have that may be helpful to the school? What connections do you have to organizations that may need student volunteers? What marketing-related relationships do you have? Ideas for connections we should make?
Student Concerns Generate ideas to help students who may be struggling (engagement or academics) Ideas for strategies to reach and engage the student population
Special Events Planning Budget for events Basic logistics How can the CSC help with event planning and implementation?
Principal’s Annual Evaluation Complete evaluation of the principal as it relates to the CSC committee
Discipline and Safety Procedures Review and approve discipline and safety procedures If any, what safety/behavior concerns might a parent of a student in an online/blended program want the school to specifically address?
Review and Revise School Calendar CSC Meetings Superintendent Parent Forum meetings Dances Planning for Success Graduation and Rehearsal Field Trips Testing or Test Prep Days Concurrent Enrollment Meetings Orientation Days (Students, Parents) First/Last Day of Quarters Fun School Events (e.g. Back to School BBQ) How would you help shape the school calendar? What time should future CSC meetings be?
Physical Space Design Room Use and Set Up School Decorations School Marketing Materials Programs We Use Processes What ideas do you have?