The Active Sun
Sunspots Umbra Penumbra Granulation
Features of Sunspots FDarker than surrounding FGranulation inhibited (movie)movie FOccur in pairs FSunspot Cycle
Sunspot Cycle
Maunder Butterfly Diagram
Magnetic Polarities Opposite polarities within a pair Pairs in opposite hemispheres have opposite polarity Entire structure reverses every cycle S N S N S N Beginning of cycleLater in the same cycle N N S S S N N S The next cycle N N S S
Babcock Model FTwo features combine to produce Magnetic Rotation
Wrapping Field Lines Link
Model Check List FSpots first appear 30° from polarities within polarities in other hemisphere FBecome more numerous and closer to the equator as the wrapping is reached midway FMagnetic field lines spots, closer to totally untangled, the field is flipped
Should Other Stars Have Spot Cycles? below photosphere Convective Zone
Prominences Movie
Flares October 29, 2003 Coronal Mass Ejection
Solar-Terrestrial Relationships FLight - Heat FParticles - Solar Wind, Communication (The Movie)The Movie
Aurora Borealis
Earth’s Magnetic Field
Tree Rings FWidth follows a 22-year phase with sunspots
Maunder Minimum Global Climate