Mario Acuna 1940 - 2009
Mario Space Missions Pioneer 11 Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Explorer 47, (IMP 7) Ulysses Explorer 50 (IMP 8) Goiotto ISEE 3 Mars Global Surveyor Pioneer 11 Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Voyagers 1, 2 Lunar Prospector MAGSAT ACE Project Firewheel IMEX Viking (Swedish) Stereo AMPTE Messenger
U.S. Project Scientist for International Solar Terrestrial Physics Program – coordinated research effort by Japan, Europe, Russia, U.S.; involved > 1000 investigators and the launch of 7 spacecraft in the middle 90’s. Project Scientist for SAC Cooperative Program with Argentina, Brazil, Italy and Denmark
Fluxgate Magnetometers
Wiring diagram and picture of the Magnetometer used on Mars Global Surveyor
Pioneer 11
Taken by Pioneer 11 on 29 August 1979 from a distance of 2 Taken by Pioneer 11 on 29 August 1979 from a distance of 2.5 million kilometres, 58 hours before PCA. Rings illuminated from below.
Spacecraft Mass: 722 kg Power: 3 RTG (Plutonium Oxide) Antenna: 3.7 m Requires 34 m / 70 m dish Bit Rate (Dlink): X-Band 160 bits/s
April 01, 2011: Voyager 1 116.6 AU 34.91° N Voyager 2 95.0 AU 33.57° S
This is an artist's concept of the Saturnian plasma sheet based on data from Cassini magnetospheric imaging instrument. Image credit: NASA/JPL/JHUAPL
The magnetic field of Uranus (North and South Poles labeled - "N" and "S") is tilted 59° away from the planet's rotation axis. The dipole component (like a bar magnet) of its magnetic field is also offset from the planet's center by about 1/3rd of the radius of Uranus.
Heliosheath The Heliosheath at the nose is estimated to be 30-60 AU wide. At the TS, radial velocity of the solar wind will decrease by a factor of 2.4 – 4 depending on the strength of the TS, and will continue to decrease as 1/r2 where r is the heliocentric distance. The intensity of the transverse component of the interplanetary magnetic field jumps by the same factor and continues to increase proportional to r across the heliosheath.
Mars Global Surveyor .
This image is a map of Martian magnetic fields in the southern highlands. The magnetic fields appear to be organized in bands, with adjacent bands pointing in opposite directions, giving these stripes a striking similarity to patterns seen in the Earth's crust at the mid-oceanic ridges.
Fluxgate magnetometer GSFC-JHU/APL development. MESSENGER Fluxgate magnetometer GSFC-JHU/APL development. Launch: 3 Aug 2004 Mercury Orbit Insertion: 18 Mar 2011
Magnetometer 3-axis flux-gate sensor 3.6 m carbon fiber boom Small sunshade protects sensor Dual range: ±1500 and ±65000 nT Auto-ranging 16/17-bit quantization 0.047 nT resolution Up to 20 samples per sec. 10 filtered rates 10s-1 to 0.01s-1 S/C magnetic cleanliness program Solar panel wiring Reaction wheel shielding Propulsion valve compensation Battery Largest identified SC interference: 0.9 pT
MESSENGER Magnetometer Preliminary Early Orbit Observations 2011: DOY 084 and 085 MESSENGER Orbit A A A A C B A Z Position (km) C A B B C C B X Position (km) Y Position (km) IAC-07-A3.2.02 PUBLIC DOMAIN INFORMATION. NO LICENSE REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITAR 120.11(8).