TTBE – 517 – Fall 2014 – Bob Mancini – Bookchart Assignment #02 – Joel – JOEL the son of Pethuel Purpose: A lament and an encouragement for all who witnessed the plague of locusts, starvation, and draught to tell this story of devastation, God’s Promise, Judgment of the nations, and the Blessing on Judah to their children, grandchildren, and generations to come. Greeting (vs 1:1-3) Author: Joel (vs1) Son of Pethuel vs1 OT minor prophet Referenced Acts 2 Audience: (vs2) Elders Inhabitants Instruction (vs 2-3): Tell your sons They tell their sons Tell next generation The Devastation (vs 1:4-13) Locusts (vs 4): Gnawing, swarming Creeping, stripping Awake (vs5-13): Weep and wail vs5 Sweet wine cut off vs5 Nation invaded vs6 Branches stripped vs7 Wail like a virgin vs8 No grain offering vs9 No drink offering vs9 Field is ruined vs 10 Harvest is destroyed vs11 Trees dry up vs12 Lament priests vs13 Starvation/Draught (vs 1:14-20) Instruction: Gather the elders vs14 Cry out to the Lord vs14 Day of Lord is near vs 15 Starvation: Food been cut off vs16 Before our eyes vs16 Grain is dried up vs17 Beasts groan vs18 O Lord, I cry vs19 Fire devoured fields vs20 Draught: Beasts pant vs20 Brooks dried up vs20 Terrible Visitation (vs 2:1-17) Visitation: Blow a trumpet vs1 Day of Lord is near vs1 Great people vs2 Desolate behind them vs3 Arranged for battle vs5 Burst through defenses vs8 Lord utters His Voice vs10 Return to Me vs12 He is gracious vs13 Gather the people vs16 Deliverance Promised (vs 2:18-27) Details of the promise: Lord will have pity vs18 Will send grain, wine, and oil vs19 Remove northern army vs20 Rejoice & be glad vs21 Pastures turned green vs22 Fig & vine yield fruit vs22 Poured down the rain vs23 Floors full of grain vs24 Vats full of wine/oil vs24 I will make it up to you vs25 Plenty to eat and to be satisfied vs26 Praise the name of the Lord vs26 In the midst of Israel vs27 Purpose for writing Details of attack Results of attack Attacked by army Promise for the future 1 The devastation led to starvation Day of the Lord is near The promise See next page Headings from NASB See next page Attacked-Judgment
TTBE – 517 – Fall 2014 – Bob Mancini – Bookchart Assignment #02 – Joel – JOEL the son of Pethuel Promise of the Spirit (vs 2:28-29) Promise: Pour out My Spirit vs28,29 Recipients: All mankind vs28 Offspring prophesy vs28 Old men dream vs28 Young men visions vs28 Servants included vs29 The Day of the Lord (vs 2:30-32) Before the Day: vs31 Wonders in sky vs30 Wonders on earth vs30 Blood, fire, smoke vs31 Sun to darkness vs31 Moon into blood vs31 Day of the Lord: vs31 Great/awesome day Call on His Name vs32 Delivered On Mt. Zion In Jerusalem Those who escape Lord calls survivors The Nations will be Judged (vs 3:1-17) Restoration: Judah fortunes vs1 Jerusalem fortunes vs1 Judgment: Gather all nations vs2 Valley of Jehoshaphat vs2 My people had been scattered vs2 Return recompense on your heads vs4, 7 Prepare for war vs 9-11 I will sit in judgment vs12 Sun/moon grow dark vs15 Heavens/earth tremble vs16 Lord is refuge vs16 I am the Lord vs 17 My holy mountain vs17 Judah will be Blessed (vs 3:18-21) Blessings (vs18, 20, 21): Mountains drip wine Hills flow with milk Brooks of Judah flow Spring from the Lord Valley of Shittin (Acacias) Judah forever vs20 Jerusalem generations vs20 Lord dwells in Zion vs21 More Judgment (vs 19,21): Egypt a waste vs19 Edom desolate vs19 I will avenge their blood Promise revealed The Day has come Restoration and Blessings judgment 2 Purpose: A lament and an encouragement for all who witnessed the plague of locusts, starvation, and draught to tell this story of devastation, God’s Promise, Judgment of the nations, and the Blessing on Judah to their children, grandchildren, and generations to come. Day of the Lord is near See previous page Promise to Judah fulfilled Attacked-Judgment See previous page Judgment and blessing