Lesson 4 – teacher plan – your hospital - seeing inside 5 minutes- picture hook quiz what part of the body are these pictures from? Introduce learning objectives 10 minutes- introduction to optic fibres and endoscopes - demo optic fibres in lamp - demo laser down stream of water. - demo total internal reflection through glass block 5 minutes – video of Michael Mosley getting an endoscope in his stomach on this powerpoint AND OR Video from kerboodle which is good and covers all techniques of seeing inside the body. 20minutes – playing doctor activity students given cards of techniques (order technique cards from technicians) they should read through. Then give them 4 patients 5 minutes later and they have to discuss/write how to diagnose them. 10mins – drama/making a TV commercial Students are told that they did such a good job at diagnosing that they’ve made it to be an embarrassing bodies doctor on TV! They should sum up what they’ve learned this lesson in 30 seconds.
Learning Objectives Describe how optical fibres are used to see inside the body Describe how other EM waves are used to see inside the body Evaluate the benefits of these methods Keywords Endoscope Optic fibre X-ray Gamma ray Magnetic resonance imaging MRI Critical angle
Which of these EM waves are used in seeing inside the body? Does the MRI use EM waves? Does ultrasounds use EM waves? Gamma rays, X-rays, Visible No, it uses a strong magnetic field. (strong enough to levitate a frog but not a human!) We’ve seen these waves before in our phone lesson. No, it’s a sound wave not an electromagnetic wave!
Learning Objectives Describe how optical fibres are used to see inside the body Describe how other EM waves are used to see inside the body Evaluate the benefits of these methods Keywords Endoscope Optic fibre X-ray Gamma ray Magnetic resonance imaging MRI Critical angle
In groups, read what diagnosis techniques you have at your disposal. In 5 minutes time you will be given 4 patients and you must decide which technique is best for which patient.
Learning Objectives Describe how optical fibres are used to see inside the body Describe how other EM waves are used to see inside the body Evaluate the benefits of these methods Keywords Endoscope Optic fibre X-ray Gamma ray Magnetic resonance imaging MRI Critical angle
In groups or pairs make a 30 second advertisement for the different diagnosis techniques available in hospitals.
Extra slides
1Explain how an optical fibre allows doctors to see inside a patient. Include a labelled ray diagram of total internal reflection in your answer. 2Evaluate the risks and benefits of using optical fibres in endoscopes instead of using gamma-ray tracers.
Colonoscopy - Inside the bottom Students get to control and animation with real pictures!