C ME Isuri Apeksha (030026) Nandana Mihindukulasooriya (030238) Prasad Samarakoon (030332) Sumith Shantha (030358) Group 10 Mobile Blogging Framework & Application
W HAT WE DID..? Literature survey Assigned knowledge gathering areas Reference management system Finalized the use cases Drew sample user interfaces for the SMS and web Had meetings with our operator Scheduled to have training sessions Studied about the dependent systems Started on the design of the project
L ITERATURE SURVEY Similar products and their functionalities
We divided the research areas that need to be known thoroughly among the four members. The identified areas were., MMS WAP WEB IVR SMS XHTML JUnit Reference Management. A SSIGN KNOWLEDGE GATHERING
F INALIZED THE USE CASES We finalized the use cases after having discussions with our operator. Drew the mobile interfaces and the web interfaces for the identified use cases. Web SMS
M EETINGS WITH THE OPERATOR We had four meetings with our Operator. The dates and the meetings reports. We discussed about the dependencies of our system with the existing systems So scheduled some technical sessions to get some ideas about the dependencies and the relevant stuff
D EVELOPMENT OF THE WEB SITE Developed our web site to some extent.
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