Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses Statewide Uniform Certification (SWUC) Program NC League of Municipalities 2011 Annual Conference: Good Government. Great Hometowns. Presented by: Bridget Wall-Lennon, Director Sheryl Cromedy, Lead Certification Specialist
Agenda Overview of Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB Office) Statewide Uniform Certification (SWUC) Program Application and Certification Process HUBSCO Reporting Requirements Questions and Answers
Mission To promote economic opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in state government contracting and procurement that will foster growth and profitability.
Program Core Services Advocacy Policy Development & Implementation
Statewide Uniform Certification (SWUC) Program N.C.G.S and (Formerly Senate Bill 320) Passed & Signed during the 2007 Legislative Session Implemented in July 2009 Provided Secretary of Administration Authority to: Develop and administer a program for the certification of a HUB firms as defined in N.C.G.S Create a single database of certified HUB firms Adopt rules and procedures
SWUC Collaboration Collaborative development to: reduce redundancy reduce redundancy best practices and processes best practices and processes increase overall efficiency of system development increase overall efficiency of system development
Who Should Apply Application and Certification Process Who Should Apply Firms that are at least 51% owned, operated and controlled By a minority, woman, disabled (person with a disability), Disadvantaged (socially and economically individuals) HUB Eligibility Criteria (N.C.G.S and )
HUB Certification Categories Application and Certification Process HUB Certification Categories Minority: Black, Hispanic, Asian American, American Indian Black, Hispanic, Asian American, American Indian Female Disabled - Person with a Disability Disadvantaged-Socially and Economically
How to Initiate HUB Certification Application and Certification Process How to Initiate HUB Certification Go to HUB Office’s Website: Register in IPS/Vendor Link as Vendor Apply for HUB Certification Click “Certification” Click “Request HUB Certification” Click “Vendor Registration / HUB Certification”
Application and Certification Process On the Electronic Registration page – read terms and if satisfied, Click “Accept” Complete all applicable information On the last page – Click “Registration Complete”
Required Documents Application and Certification Process Required Documents Return to: Click: “Statewide Uniform Certification (SWUC)” Quick Links Box Go to: “Listing of Documents and Forms” Click: “Required Certification Documents (pdf)” Click: “SWUC Certification Application (pdf)” Based on your business type, submit required documents.
When to Submit Documents Application and Certification Process When to Submit Documents Application and Required Documents must be submitted within 30 days from completion of request for Certification Electronic Reminder, if not received within 15 days Withdrawals HUB Office may withdraw, if documents not received Vendors may also request withdrawal
Complete Package Sent To Application and Certification Process Complete Package Sent To Mailing Address: North Carolina Department of Administration Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses 1336 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC Location Address: (hand delivery) 116 W. Jones Street, Suite 4109 Raleigh, NC 27603
SWUC Benefits Streamlined certification process of minority, women, disabled, and disadvantaged owned businesses Uniform standards and procedures for certification Annual Status Update and four-year reapplication cycles Single database to be used by all state departments, agencies, institutions, political subdivisions, and local municipalities
SWUC Benefits Companies input and control their own information, which can be changed at any time. HUB firms receive next day notification of procurement opportunities that are posted on the IPS website. Search engine enables anyone to locate your company and associated goods, commodities, and construction services. HUB firm’s information is available to all state agencies and the public. ( Free Business Publicity )
What are the Reporting Requirements Statutes and House Bill for Reporting Contracts Senate Bill 914, Session Law , December 6, 2001 G.S – Goals G.S – Administration G.S – Informal bidding, effective date: January 1, 2002 G.S – Formal bidding, effective date: January 1, 2002 House Bill 73, Session Law Threshold changes, effective date: August 23, 2007
Construction Project Thresholds Formal Construction Projects >= $500,000 Informal Construction Projects >= $30,000 < $500,000
Informal Projects (G.S ) No requirement to formally advertise bids. Lowest responsible, responsive bidder with contract Require to maintain a record of minority contractors solicited and of all recruitment efforts
Performance and Payment bonds for each contract over $50,000; that is a part of a project cost over $300,000. Construction or repair projects costing over $300,000 must use only Single Prime, Separate Prime, Dual bidding, construction manager at risk, or alternative methods. G. S sets out Goals for local governments to encourage HUB Participation Formal Projects (G.S ) Requirements
Minority Business Participation Goal (G.S ) State percentage goal Local Government percentage goal Good Faith Efforts
Good Faith Efforts A public entity shall develop a Minority Business Participation Outreach Plan Public entities, General Contractors and First-tier subcontractors shall adhere to the statutory good faith efforts Public Entity Non-Compliance with G.S shall necessitate the development of a plan of compliance that addresses any deficiencies identified Failure to implement a corrective plan could lead to a review by the HUB Office and the Attorney General’s Office before the public entity can bid another contract
Who is required to report? ALL PUBLIC ENTITIES (Including) State Agencies Universities Community Colleges All Local Government Entities Municipalities Counties Local School Units Special Districts and Other special purpose local governments
What to report? With respect to each building project: Verifiable Percentage Goal Type of Project Minority business utilization by category Trade Total dollar value of contracts Total dollar amount of project (construction and design Applicable good faith effort guidelines or rules
What is the HUBSCO Construction Reporting System? Web based application Formal and informal construction projects
Procedures for HUBSCO Access Visit our website at Print out and complete HUBSCO Access Form Fax the completed Access Form to Mathew Idiculla at Access will be granted to the training site with a user ID and a password.
Procedures for HUBSCO Access Mail original Access form including all signatures and you will be granted access to the live production site. HUB Office Address State of North Carolina Department of Administration Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses 1336 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC
Municipalities – HUBSCO Reports October 24, 2011 95 Municipalities – Registered to HUBSCO System 50 Municipalities – Reported Construction Projects Include 33 Cities, 14 Towns and 3 Villages 1054 Construction Projects Reported 456 (43%) of all Construction Projects Reported by City of Winston-Salem Minority Business Participation 14.85% Total Construction Contract $78,072,892 Total Minority Participation $11,595,970
We Are Here to Assist YOU ! Bridget Wall-Lennon, Director Management & Office Administration Patricia Jones, Office Manager Traci Fleming, Office Assistant Compliance Section Mathew Idiculla, Compliance Specialist Jerry Ryan, Statistician Outreach & Certification Section Sheryl Cromedy, Lead Certification Specialist Cassandra Herndon, Certification/Outreach Lena Robertson-Ridley, Outreach Coordinator Grover Burthey, Construction Coordinator Web: (919) Phone (919) Fax