Source: International Olive Oil Council The IOOC, the world forum for: Olive growing Olive oil Table olives To improve product quality To modernise olive growing and the olive oil and table olive industry in an environmentally friendly way To standardise and expand trade To increase consumption IOOC objectives
Source: International Olive Oil Council World olive oil production Average 1998/ /02: Average 1998/ /02
Source: International Olive Oil Council World olive oil consumption Average 1998/ /02 Average 1998/ /02: 2,511.9 thousand tonnes
Source: International Olive Oil Council Average olive oil consumption per head: Kg olive oil/per head
Source: International Olive Oil Council COI/T.20 olive oil testing methods
Source: International Olive Oil Council Recognition is awarded to public or private laboratories which apply for recognition hold accreditation prove their proficiency in the annual IOOC check test IOOC recognition scheme for olive oil chemical testing laboratories chemical testing laboratories
Source: International Olive Oil Council Recognition is awarded to official laboratories which: are designated by their home countries apply for recognition hold accreditation for the organoleptic assessment of olive oil prove their proficiency in the annual IOOC check tests IOOC recognition scheme for olive oil sensory testing laboratories sensory testing laboratories
Source: International Olive Oil Council Aim: to achieve mutual recognition of the reliability of olive oil testing results Need: to harmonise the rules for assessing olive oil testing laboratories for accreditation purposes IOOC recognition scheme for olive oil chemical and sensory testing laboratories