By Huiyu Huang(Nina)
Jean Vanier Born in Geneva Canadian September 10, 1928 (86 years old) Jean Vanier religion is Roman Catholic. Jean Vanier relatives have father, mother and sister. Vanier and his family fled Paris just before the Nazi occupation.
1 2 3 WHO IS Jean vanier? ? J ean Vanier is a philosopher, writer, religious and moral leader. J ean Vanier in him life, he write 26 Publications is very famous. For example, > and >. H e write many books is about God, and teach people know and ontology of God, or in-depth discussion about the church fathers.
ISSUE In 1964, He saw the two disabled men, He thought became aware of the plight with developmental disabilities and wanted support networks with people who have developmental disabilities.
Most people know Jean Vanier, because he also shows us about God things(seeing God in others e.t.). P eople talk about him, probably to describe what he has brought peace and safeguard the human dignity of the disabled. For example, Jean Vanier teaches people need caring for others and caring about them, that we forgot to leave time for support workers and medical professionals to 'care about' the people that they are supporting. How does the problem affect the lives of people? "The fundamental principle of peace is a belief that each person is important. Do you believe you are important? Do you believe- do we believe-that we can do something to make this world a better place? Why is the gap between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless growing? There can be no peace unless we can become aware of where this growing gap comes from". -Jean Vanier "The fundamental principle of peace is a belief that each person is important. Do you believe you are important? Do you believe- do we believe-that we can do something to make this world a better place? Why is the gap between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless growing? There can be no peace unless we can become aware of where this growing gap comes from". -Jean Vanier
Why help others? In 1950, Jean Vanier given up himself navy work, because he feeling a strong inner spiritual calling to do “something else.” After, He completed his Doctorate. In August 4, He expanded his efforts and established L'Arche at Trosly-Breuil, France. This community for people with disabilities to live with those cared for them. In 1945, World War II still raging, he joined the Royal Navy and later transferred to the Royal Canadian Navy.
C reated L'Arche, Jean Vanier let many disabilities have live place and caring. H e did not have different opinion with races, origins, nationalities and beliefs. O thers would language attack him, but he does not hate, he will thank those people, and the false teachings in their lives. Vanier to accept their own good point and bad point of the definition, and imbolden others to do the same thing, accept yourself. Affect of others
Created L'Arche Pay attention to the disabled person Set up correct concept with people THINK Love For Peace (live together in homes and apartments, sharing life with one another and building community as responsible adults.) (Providing help to the community members with disabilities, For example, Medical treatment.) (teaches what is hope,love.) (Did not hate bad things, will tolerant.)
Humility: reaches out directly and without ceremony, to touch each of us most weak in the place. Generosity: Put their knowledge to teach everyone. Chastity: Jean Vanier takes Jesus seriously. Gentleness: mentor and friend inspires through his teaches loving each person. Temperance: Jean Vanier Usually shares his home and his meals to the men and women at l'Arche. Love: to help people with disabilities to create and grow. Diligence: urge projects for new communities, and giving lectures. Humility: reaches out directly and without ceremony, to touch each of us most weak in the place. Generosity: Put their knowledge to teach everyone. Chastity: Jean Vanier takes Jesus seriously. Gentleness: mentor and friend inspires through his teaches loving each person. Temperance: Jean Vanier Usually shares his home and his meals to the men and women at l'Arche. Love: to help people with disabilities to create and grow. Diligence: urge projects for new communities, and giving lectures.
Good moral Jean Vanier travels widely, visiting other L'Arche communities, care on those who are most marginalized in our societies – people living with an intellectual disability Jean Vanier has always wishing to create a network of friendship and friendly. LOVE GENTLE
In 2013, Jean Vanier received the United States-based Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award. Canada have four catholic Schools named after Jean Vanier.