NW Ohio Persons with Functional Needs in a Red Cross Shelter Model May, 17, 2012 This presentation is arranged by Cheryl Hill under contract to Hospital Council of NW Ohio with funding support from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, via the Ohio Department of Health, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number
NW Ohio Persons with Functional Needs in a Red Cross Shelter Model Welcome and Introductions
NW OHIO FUNCTIONAL NEEDS IN A RED CROSS SHELTER MODEL EXERCISE AGENDA 4:30-5:00 PM Participant Registration, Welcome and Introductions 5:00-5:30 PMCommand Module and Role Play 5:30-6:15 PMTriage Module and Role Play 6:15-6:30 PM Break 6:30-7:30 PMCase Management/Disaster Health Services Module and Role Play 7:30-8:00 PMHot Wash and Participant Evaluations Other
History Lessons from Hurricane Katrina (shelter experience) persons with functional needs were isolated, most vulnerable and were assisted last. 35 of 60 residents in St. Rita’ s Nursing Home died due to not being evacuated.
The Challenge 2008 U.S. Census estimates indicate that 15.1, of the US population ages 5 years and over are disabled. Ohio’s population is 11,485,910, that means 1,772,886 are disabled. (transient number) In an emergency, the number of first responders available to assist everyone will be limited
History Traditionally the American Red Cross was not prepared to accommodate those with functional needs. Many of these clients that showed up at a shelter door got sent to the hospital, which in many cases was not necessary. During disaster the hospital is there to help those who are injured or need medical attention.
History The Katrina experience demonstrated that communities needed to do a better job of assisting it’s most vulnerable population during disaster. 1) Utilize a partnership between the American Red Cross and Medical Reserve Corps to assist them in accommodating persons with Functional Needs in a shelter setting
History Language from New Access Power Point Legal Obligation:
Further addressing the needs of at risk populations is an Overarching ASPR Sub- capability The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response out of the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services sets disaster planning capability goals/standards for hospitals. Most importantly it’s the right thing to do.
Functional Needs “Definition”
There isn’t one. Anyone at any time can have a functional need. The basic model is to have the MRC assist the American Red Cross in performing case management assessments on those with functional needs. If the person can reside in the shelter with minimal accommodations, the MRC assists in utilizing community resources to obtain the accommodation for the client. If not the client gets linked to a community resource that can provide the care the client needs.
Disasters Create the Need for Sheltering Displaced Victims